The Irrational Genius

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The next week Monday I took a different route going to school. I had a feeling someone will be waiting for me around the bend and I’m not in the mood to face him yet. My state of mind is still in chaos.

I did not have a good night’s sleep and I know I will have a crappy day ahead.

I arrive at school and slump on my desk.

“Morning  Flo.”Minny greeted. “Are you still sleepy?

I raise a thumb at her.

“Can I tell you about my weekend?”

I raise an okay sign.

She went on to tell me where she and Luhan went. How they had such a good time. She must be so happy she didn't notice my bad mood. Good thing too since I don’t want to explain myself to her now.

The warning bell had already rang and my seatmate was still not in. He usually drops in before going to practice but he must have went directly to practice today.

“Has anyone of you see Kai oppa?” Lee Na Ra said from the doorway. Hands on her hips and looking arrogant. I place back my head on my arms after looking up when I heard his name.

“No. isn’t he suppose to be with you guys?” Suho answered.

“He’s late for practice.” Lee Na Ra said.

“I’m here.” I heard Kai’s voice.

I resisted the urge to look up but instead buried my head even further and closed my eyes. I pretended to be asleep. I had put on my headphones but I wasn’t listening to anything. I just put them there so my classmates will think I was listening to music and not talk to me.

“Oppa! I was worried when you didn’t show up. You were always so early.” Lee Na Ra said. I can imagine her stroking his arm. A surge of green anger went through my brain, I hastily clamped it down before it got the best of me.

I heard the chair beside me scrape like it was being pulled away.

“Is she asleep?” I heard Kai’s voice beside me.

“I think so. She looked sleepy when I came in.” Minny answered.

I heard him sigh and then a hand runs through my hair.

“how was your Friday night out?” Minny asked him.

“I didn’t get to meet up with Flo.” Kai answered and I can feel the guilt in his voice.

“What? She like waited for you. Alone.” Chanyeol said. “We left her here because we thought you will pick her up after your practice.”

“Kai oppa we need to go.” Lee Na Ra said.

“Go ahead. I’ll follow.” Kai said in a clipped tone.

“But-“ Lee Na Ra protested but Kai interrupted her.

“Just go Na Ra. I’ll follow okay?” Kai said in a more forced tone.

“Fine. I’ll tell teacher you were hanging out here instead of practicing.” She said and I can her stomping footsteps.

“you should go bro. it’s your final practice week of practice starting today. Friday is your performance.” Lay said.

Kai sighed and I heard the chair scrape. I felt a box placed near my hand.

“Min can you tell Flo I’m sorry?” Kai said.

“Sure. Have fun at practice.” Minny said.

“Hardly.” He answered. “Bye guys. See you at lunch.”

“Bye!” My friends chorused.

I didn’t pretend to wake up until the teacher came. I pretended to yawn and stretch when our adviser started the lesson. I glance at the box beside me. it was a box of my panda chocolates and a note with his handwriting saying –I’m sorry-.

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