Fate's Stupid Games

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Her face filled up the center of the room.

“So it actually happened. If you’re seeing this it actually happened.” Flo said looking grave. “He found me… Why am I doing this anyway?” She moved and the camera also moved. It showed her room. Butter was sleeping on Spade’s tummy while Peanut sat beside them.

“So why am I doing this? I honestly don’t know.. but I just have this feeling that I’ll never be able to say goodbye to you Nii-chan or you A or worst, if I am ever forced to do it, to my friends. This is actually spur of the moment so don’t expect movie like speeches. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for everything, for fighting to hide me. I have never thanked all of you for everything, I just went with the flow..  so now I’m thanking you.”

“Nii-chan thank you for always being there for me. Take care of Mom and Dad but please don’t go near the kitchen. Leave that to Dad. A.. Hmm what should I say to you? You’re such a great lad, don’t worry she’ll come. In fact I think she’s already here, you just need to look at her. (Wink- I can’t believe I want to cry seeing her wink like that.)Hmmm and if my friends do see this then I’m sorry. Several scenarios ran through my head on what I had to do if ever the President comes for me and all of you are with me.”

“What do I have to do that will lessen the danger for all of you? Ren and Aiden can look after themselves but the 13 of you.. will be like lost lambs out for slaughter. I can already imagine Minny crying. Minny stop crying!! (That only caused Minny to cry even harder.) Be strong okay? You’ll be fine.”

“No I’m not fine!” Minny exclaimed angrily at the image.

“So what do I have to do? I can’t well ask the president to let you go, that will make you primary hostage targets. We can’t run away. Then a plan formed in my head. It is such a horrible plan but it will guarantee your safe pass. I needed to pretend to hate you.. all of you.  Act like you’re nothing to me. which is the exact opposite. If ever you guys are seeing this, then it means that I did actually do it.” Florence stopped for a moment and looked away.  She looked back at the camera and her blue eyes were shinning with unshed tears.

I wanted to jump inside the projection and comfort her.

“I’m sorry. All of those weren’t true and they will never be true. I’m really sorry if I had to say those hateful words to you, but by me saying those the President will think that you guys are nothing to me and he won’t go after any of you. Minny.. I needed to hurt you. I’m so sorry.” Flo stopped again and looked away wiping her eyes.  “And if that happens I want all of you to forget me. Forget everything. If only I can induce amnesia so all of you will be blissfully unaware. Unaware and safe. Ignorance will be your saving grace. Act ignorant. Once I’m gone I can’t ever come back.. not unless the President disappears to Narnia or the Institute is transported to Oz.. which is impossible. I’ll miss you guys.”

“Another thing I wanted to add. If ever I’m taken before the Anti-wolf Serum is finished. As I speak it’s near completion. Aiden you can finish it if ever it happens. Promise me you’ll finish it. So all our efforts won’t be into vain. The tab, it’s the key to all the data I was doing. You do need to figure out the password thou.. oh crap I need to change the password. My current one is too embarrassingly silly…”

“Flo go to sleep! We’re going somewhere before you go to your trip tomorrow.” We all heard Ren’s voice in the background. He looked up and I can see tears visible in his eyes

“Alright Nii-chan!” Flo said looking away from the camera.

“Night Fluff.” Ren’s voice can be heard more closer.

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