2 - Don't Mess with my Jelly Pudding

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These are not the real EXO, they are the characters in the MV so not all thier attitudes will match but I will try my hardest to keep them real

Luhan and the girl (Minny) are an item, we'll fnd out how in the later story.. maybe?? haha

Enjoy guys..:)

Vote and Comment..?? 

Heart heart!!


A week has passed and I have finally settled down into my new home, although I still can't get the pronunciation of the street where I live right, I can say that I'm quite enjoying myself here. Minny is great company and so are her guards as I like to refer to the 11 boys that are constantly around her.

The grumpy kid that is my seat mate is named Jong-in but he prefers to be called Kai, which I often tease that his beloved nickname is just a conjunction in Greek. He's a nice guy he was just hungry and sleepy the first time we met hence the grumpiness but if he's well fed he can be a quite charming guy.

Dumbo is Chanyeol in real life. I let go of the Dumbo nickname when he became upset when he learned that Dumbo was a cute elephant with big ears. He didn't mind being called big ears he doesn't like being compared to an elephant.

The dude who understood my English jokes is named Suho. He's the somewhat leader of the group or so he likes to think since he likes to take care of all of them. How do I know? He carries a medicine kit in his bag for the sake of them.  He also likes to buy food for them.

Sehunie is the maknae and sad to say is still the makane of the group. He was disappointed when he learned that I was only a few months older then he was but he and I get along just well since I ordered him to be on permanent Yaja time when he's with me.

Wait all of them are on permanent Yaja time when they're with me. Yaja time is when Koreans reverse the ages of the youngest and the oldest. The youngest becomes the oldest and so can order people around. Koreans are quite big on ages and respect so I think I can understand; the world needs them as an example.

The rest of the group is a bit of blur to me. Heck I have a hard time describing 4 boys how much more 11? I can memorize their names though and something I like to call their identifier when I try to remember their faces.

Chen-chen is camel eyes. The number 3 prankster after Dumbo and Beakhyun. Children beware.

Beakhyun is chatter box with cute eyes. (I can't forget Beakhyun's face since he spent the day making me not forget him. ugg. My ears were about to bleed with his chatter but it was fun.)

D.O. is sclera rich dude. His eyes creeped me out the first time he stared at me but I learned to ignore it and since then I found him to be adorably squishy.

Tao is panda Tao, the nickname which I think came from the dark circles under his eyes and it's also a coincidence that he does wu shu. He's a Wu shu champion. He does look scary at first but I found out that he's a big baby when I threw a plastic cockroach at him courtesy of Sehun. He cried and clung at Suho like a koala for a few minutes making me and maknae laugh hard. I should call him Kaola Tao.

Then there is Lay with his adorable dimple and Xuimin with his beautiful mono-eyelid eyes which I envy because he looks like more of a girl then me.

And of course there is Luhan. The dude who is much prettier then Minny and I put together although don't mention that to him. He gets pissed whenever I bring that up but I like Luhan's face when his pissed. He looks adorable like a baby which is why I'm doing it now.

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