A Walk in the Park

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“Okay Flo let me hear it.” Luhan said when we were all settled in the game room which still housed the hologram that I fixed for Aiden. It was much easier to explain using it.

“Everyone comfortable? Lights off Brad.” I said to my computer. The lights immediately went off and the glow of the hologram was the only thing the shed light.

“Flo you sure about this?” Aiden asked softly. “I can explain it if you want.”

“No. I’m fine.” I answered tuning my voice to hide the anxiety I was feeling. I had been repressing everything-Luhan collapsing, the darn clinic that still gives me shivers-everything was kept in a tight lid inside me.

I took a deep breath and touched the hologram. It glowed brighter and grew larger. “I might lapse into scientific jargon so please interrupt me if I do so. I’ll try explaining it in the simplest terms.”

They all nod and listened attentively.

“Since we all know the basic body parts I won’t go there. I’ll first show you the normal cell make up of a normal human being. Then the DNA of a normal human being” I said and the right picture appears. “This is what our cell and DNA looks like when examined under powerful machines.” I clicked another picture. “This one is Luhan’s cell and DNA and Kris. Anyone noticed the difference?” I asked putting the pictures beside each other.

“Luhan and Kris are different. It looks like they have some additions.” Suho answered pointing out the difference. “Like that sphere in Kris cell.”

“Correct. So I was right when I said you were enhanced special human beings. These additions gave you all your powers- for lack of a better term- enhanced senses, powerful strength and fast speed. I think whoever did this had a sense of humor too since you were also enhanced in the looks department. I don’t know why you were called werewolf since most predatory animals have your powers. It must be because your powers were based on one of most elusive predators- the wolves.”

“But Kris and Luhan blood also looks different from each other though.” Sehun said pointing. “Why?”

“Exactly. I was puzzled at first that’s why I asked Minny to recount what exactly happened when Luhan changed. You were all there right? It had nothing to do with Minny’s tears although that would have sounded romantic and cool I think it involved more body functions.  Our bodies have chemicals that are secreted in response to certain emotions. Luhan what were you feeling when you felt that you’ve change?”

“I felt strange. The only thing that was in my head was I wanted to show Minny that I’m not a monster who harms people so I stopped attacking those boys holding her. I wanted to show her that there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Luhan answered.

“And that was the time you realized you love her, am I right?” I asked.

“Yes. That was the time.” Luhan said pulling Minny close.

“You see guys when people are in love our body responses also. You feel better, brighter. That’s the body releasing its special chemicals. I think whoever made Luhan never anticipated him to fall in love. So that is why Luhan is now different from Kris.” I said pointing to the picture.

“So I haven’t fallen in love yet.” Kris said amused. His eyes glimmering its strange reddish glow as he looked at me. I felt my heart stutter at the meaning in those eyes.

“Yes you haven’t fallen in love yet.” I said choosing to not to read between the lines and smiled at him. “If I had met Luhan before he met Minny then maybe you two will still be the same but now you two are different.”

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