Adrenaline Shot

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It was one of the longest nights in my entire existence. I wish I had grabbed a bottle of wine or something, anything to numb my brain and heart from feeling. My brain was already rationalizing everything.

They were drunk.

They didn’t know what they were doing.

They were drunk.

Alcohol does that to you. You lose all inhibitions and do what you truly wanted to do.

So Kai really wanted to kiss Lee Na Ra.

I let out a frustrated sigh and closed my eyes and opened them again. It’s like the image was imprinted on the back of my eyelids. In all it’s beautiful glory.

Stupid. Idiot. Moron. Stupid.

I know there will be an explanation.

Let me guess you think he thought that was you and kissed Lee Na Ra with your image in his head?  The sane part of me laughed at my wish. Dream on stupid girl. I thought you were leaving him anyway. Why are you being so melodramatic? Isn’t it nice that he’ll have a girl that will take care of him?

“But I want to be that girl.” I said softly.


“I know.” I said in a defeated voice.

I glance at my watch and saw it was already noon. Nobody was looking for me which I fully expect to happen since everyone must still be passed out at the house. I stand and tried to fix my appearance. I wanted to buy something to eat. I’m famished.  Maybe food will make me feel better.

I stopped by at the resort’s restaurant and ordered a big brunch for everyone and asked it to be delivered to our house. They said it will be there in about 30 minutes. They handed me a tall tumbler of coffee and some bread to tide my hunger.

I dreaded going back to the house but I wanted a shower. I felt dirty, sticky and grimy. I reached the house and listened for any movement, there was none. Everyone must still be asleep. I opened the door and quietly entered the house.

There were some figures on the living room floor. The door to the boys’ room was ajar. I was about to walk away when I caught a glimpse of a stock of familiar brown hair on the floor. Against my better judgment I went closer. I wanted to confirm it. There was movement and the blanket covering was pulled down revealing his face.

Kai was sleeping peacefully.

But the blanket moved down even further and revealed an arm wound around his shirtless torso and then Lee Na Ra’s face was beside his. She moved and kissed his neck making him stir.

“Flo!” Minny exclaimed from above.

I dropped the tumbler of coffee. It made a loud noise waking up everyone.

“Why are you making a racket early in the morning?” Lee Na Ra complained pulling Kai closer.

I wanted to strangle her but my mind was already going blank. I didn’t know what I was thinking.

I’m so stupid. Stupid.

Pain flared again in my chest making it hard for me to breathe.

“Flo.” Minny said and I can hear her running towards me.

But I can’t remove my eyes from his face. How can he do this to me? Why did I give him too much power to hurt me? When did that happen? When?!

I can’t breathe.

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