They're here

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ohhh.. who can be here..?? there?? everywhere?? hahaha..

Thanks for the reads guys..:)

Things are now getting interesting..

this chapter has a sweet moment.. :P


Vote and Comment..?? Hearts heart!!

Chapter 35 They’re here


Tuesday. The whole morning we worked hard on the booth and the game. The participants practicing in front of me and class rep. I secured a room and showed class rep our piece for the variety show. He was impressed at the boys. They were near prefect. A little more push.

The afternoon we had to stop since there was an educational tour and we needed to attend an assembly. We were filling at the door of the auditorium when the person who was giving the mini-lecture arrived. I gasped when I saw a familiar face.

It was Aiden.

His eyes roamed around smiling at the students and stopped at mine. His eyes flicked with recognition but he didn’t acknowledge me. I gasp again when I saw the girl besides him. It was Julie, one of my few friends. She looks at me with surprise and looked like she was about to run towards me. I shook my head softly and Aiden pulled her inside.

“That was Aiden. Can we say hi?” Minny asked besides me.

“He doesn’t know you Min.” I said to her. “He doesn’t know us, doesn’t know me.” I add softly.

“Come let’s go inside.” Kai said towing me inside. I wanted nothing more than to hug my friends but that would blow my cover.

We sat at the back away from the lights. I settled down near the exit. I suddenly felt uneasy.

“You okay?” Kai asked beside me as the lecture started.

“I’m fine.” I answer smiling at him. “I’m just going to be bored since I’m going to listen to the lecture I helped Aiden with years ago. I know all about it already.” I answer yawning.

“Show off.” He answered rolling his eyes.

“You should listen, it’s a very informative lecture and Aiden is good at teaching.” I add lowering my position preparing to go to sleep. I find Aiden’s voice sleep inducing when I already know what he is talking about.

Around the middle of the lecture I moved to get out. I was bored out of my mind and I need a drink.

“I’ll just go get a drink.” I said to Kai who moved to follow me. “Just stay here. I’ll be back in a minute. Want anything?” I ask him.

“Nothing. Bring your phone along.” He orders.

“Okay. See you in a minute.” I said and quietly walked out of the auditorium.

I was walking back already clutching my drink when I saw them. They were just parking their car and were looking around. Their black suits looking crisp and menacing at the same time. I felt my heart stop beating and I stood frozen as I watch them approach the main door.

They were about to see me when someone pulled me back into a shadowed alcove. It was the Principal. He looked frantic.

“Flo? Did they see you?” He asked urgently. I shake my head. “They followed Aiden. I didn’t know Aiden was the speaker until today. I should have cancelled.” He said looking around. “You can’t go back to the auditorium. They will see you.” He said to me.

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