Soul Mate and Destiny

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Two days. It has been to days since I have been home at the manor. Two days since Kris and I talked. Two days since I have last since my friends. Two days since I last saw him.. but to me it was like eternity. I wanted to go home every night but mom was adamant I do not drive while half asleep so she gave me a room to sleep in the Institute. Funny. I always thought I never go back there voluntarily yet here I am sleeping there.

But I was back home now and was in front of Kris’s door. I can hear the ruckus inside despite of the sound proof walls, they sound like they were having fun.  I sighed and grinned, hopefully another day and the wolf serum will be done and we call go home.

 I balanced the tray of cupcakes and plate of waffles I made precariously on one hand and knocked on the door. It opened a few seconds later and my heart did a double leap.

Why of all the people it has to be him that has to open the door?

“Oppa..”I said when he didn’t answer the small smile I gave him. He looked at me blankly and my heart beat faster but this time not because of butterflies but because of fear. What was wrong with him? With us?

“Kai who’s there at the door?” I heard DO’s voice call out and he came rounding the corner. “Flo!”

“Hey.” I answered. “Can I come in?”

“Of course you can! Guys Flo’s here!” Do shout and walked towards us at the door. He paused and gave us a funny look; he must have felt the tensed atmosphere between Kai and me. Bless DO because he choose to ignore it and took the tray of cupcakes from my hand leaving me with the plate of waffles. He balanced the tray on one hand and gave me a hug. “Come on. We missed you. We were just hanging out. You look tired.”

“I missed you to DO.” I answered to one of his statements grinning.

“Kai close the door.” DO called out as we rounded the corner.

I decided not to look back not wanting to see him look at me like that again.

“Are those cupcakes?!” Beakhyun exclaimed seeing us.

“FLO!” Minny screamed tackling me.

“Woah Min.” I exclaimed nearly losing my balance but Sehun caught the two of us from behind.

“Where have you been?” Minny demanded letting me go.

“The Institute. Where else will I be?”I answered putting the plate of waffles on the table beside Kris’s bed.

“Is that for me?” he asked eyeing the plates.

“Yes. The doctor said you can eat solid food again.” I answered leaning down to put a kiss on his cheek. Still cold but way better then two days ago. “How are you?”

“I’m fine and will be much better when I get to eat them.” Kris said grinning as he held his arms open for the plate. “Gimme.”

“Don’t you two look sweet.” Chanyeol teased.

I heard Kris start to chuckle but stopped when he saw me grimace. He frowned then looked at someone behind me then back at me. His frown deepened. I took a breath trying to calm myself down.

“You two didn’t make up yet?” he asked quietly in Cantonese.

I shook my head trying to stop myself from crying as I remembered his face.

“Are you two exchanging I love you’s now?” Chanyeol asked.

I didn’t look back still not trusting my poker face.

“Flo I’m sorry.” Kris said softly still in Cantonese.

“Not your fault.” I said he frowned at the sadness in my voice.

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