9 - Minny Likes it Slow

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Another chapter for you before I go to the dead zone (No internet...T_T)



"When did you see it?" Luhan asked urgently.

"I saw them just this morning while I was alone in the kitchen. I did not think of them as eyes. How can they shine so brightly during the day?" I said.

"I have no problem with that." Luhan answers. "Night or day they will glow red when I want them too."

"Do you guys know about this other wolf?" I ask them.

"Yes. That's why we have been looking out for Minny ever since Luhan came. He might attack her." Tao answers.

"Apparently he found something more interesting." I said.

"Flo this is serious, he is more ruthless then me. When you see him again run." Luhan ordered.

"Right, like I can outrun a person with wolf like powers." I answer the remembered something. "He's not bad, he's the one who rescued me." I add.

"What do you mean?" Sehun asked.

"When those students from the other high school attacked Minny and I. Minny had run away safely, after someone hit me on the head I sort of fell down. I expected to get hit more but they all stopped. I then heard a sort of growl and they all ran. Next thing I knew I was leaning on the wall, I opened my eyes and all I saw were the red eyes, which I thought was lights. Then it must have heard you guys coming since the presence, the warmth disappeared and the next time I opened my eyes I was looking at Kai." I said.

"Where did you see him Flo?" Luhan asked standing up.

"Over there." I said pointing to the area where I have seen the light- the eyes last.

Luhan started to walk to that area, Kai and D.O stayed behind while the rest of the boys followed him. I stayed silent watching them disappear into the woods and come out after a few minutes later.

"It's him alright. I can smell him." Luhan said worriedly. "You can't stay here Flo."'

"I can stay at the apartment." I answer. "My brother doesn't need to know about this. He'll freak out. I just need to be more careful." I said frowning.

"You sure?" Chanyeol asked. They obviously did not want to piss my brother again.

"Positive." I said with conviction. "We'll handle him when Ren leaves."

"Then we should shut up since here comes your brother." Lay said and pointed at my brother who waved at us grinning.

"I'm all set to go." He said. "Did you get all the data I can use?"

"Hai Nii-chan. Here." I said handing him a flash disk. I willed myself to calm down. he didn't need to know about the new problem.

"Thank Fluff." He said and opened his arms wide. "Can I get a goodbye hug?"

"You're leaving now?!" I asked my voice breaking.

"Yes. Why delay the inevitable. My flight is at 11pm. You don't need to take me to the airport." He said. "Come on I want my hug."

"Bu-but.. How will I know if you're safe?" I asked.

"Stalk me on facebook and twitter." he answered and laughed when he saw my face. "I'm serious Flo. Just don't make a real account use a fake one. Stay invisible don't like any of my post and absolutely no comments."

"Hai.." I said sadly. I went to him and wrap my arms around him burying my face into his chest, inhaling his perfume. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more. Please stay safe."

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