Happy Ever After.. Is it?

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We went back to the house around midnight. I asked her jokingly if we can stay on this hill forever but she rolled her eyes and pulled me up. She said she was hungry and wanted decent food to eat before going to sleep on a comfortable bed.

I know it’s wrong to be happy that she’s wounded but I’m happy that because of it we needed to walk slowly back to the house, which meant more time with my beautiful girlfriend.

I can’t believe it. I must be dreaming.

She’s mine. Really mine.

“You’re grinning like a maniac.” She said in a teasing tone as we neared the house. “Should I institutionalize you when we go back to Seoul?”

“Only if you come along.” I answered still grinning.

“Why should I? I’m completely mentally stable.” She answered laughing at me.

“No you’re not.” I insisted putting my arm on her waist and pulled her close.

“Yes I am.”

“No you’re not.”

Everyone was always curious on what Flo and I talk about most of the time, since aside from Kris I was always with her. This is what we usually talk about. Nonsense.

Well I’m glad that part of the relationship stayed. I think nothing will change between us only a few things were added. Like the fact that I can bully anyway who gets too close to her or the fact that I can kiss her anytime I want.

We had reached the house and she was about to open the door when I pulled her back and kissed her. I will never get tired of feeling her lips on mine. Her scent was intoxicating me; filling up my brain and making me crazy… well maybe add the hormones too.

“Kai seriously. If uncle sees us we’ll be dead meat.” She said giggling.

“Don’t care at the moment.” I murmured to her hair.

“Can we go inside now?” She asked putting her hands on my shoulders.

“No.” I said grinning.

“But I’m hungry Oppa.” She protested pouting as I bury my nose in her neck. “I’m serious.” She protested.

“Kim Jong-in!” She exclaimed in a low voice, trying hard not to laugh, when I pushed her against the wall. I smile before kissing her again.

She placed her hands on my face before breaking the kiss.

“I. Am. Hungry.” She said emphasizing each word. “Please. Won’t you feed a hungry girl?”

“Fine fine.” I said kissing her forehead. “Let’s feed the girl.”

“Thank you.” She said grinning and moved to the door.  She opened it quietly and made a shush motion. She grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

She turns on the light at the kitchen and we can see that there was no one around the living room. Everyone was asleep.

“Hmm.. what can I eat?” She mused rummaging at the fridge. “Hey nobody cooked the chicken I marinated. Want fried chicken oppa?”

“Yes please.” I answered sitting down on a stool and watch her put on an apron and start to prepare food. She hummed a tune mindlessly as she placed a pan on the stove. “Will you cook for me everyday Flo?”

“Of course.”  She said carefully putting the chicken on the hot pan then flashed me a smile.

The smell was mouth watering. I wonder if the smell alone can wake up anyone. She placed another pan on the stove and poured cold rice on it. She and D.O. should really make a restaurant when we grow up.

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