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He's gone. That is it. After the date, I went to his house. He lives by himself so we weren't disturbed. But when I woke up in the morning, he was gone. I waited a few hours but he still didn't come back. I called his phone too but it was turned off. I tried to take my mind off it and kept telling myself he would come back. But the more I tried not to think about it, the worse it got. A picture started building in my mind. He would be on another girl's body, flicking her luscious hair and fumbling with her fingers. He wouldn't love me anymore. He would love HER. And I knew exactly who it was. SASHA. He has had a crush on Vixella for years. If he was going to love anyone else... It would be her. I got in my car and slammed the door angrily, hot tears burning my face. It took about an hour to get there but I would do anything for Joel.

I rung the doorbell and folded my arms, waiting for her to answer. When she opened the door, I saw her innocent face. It made me feel sick. "Oh hi, Lizzie! I'm just a bit busy at the moment but-" I cut her off. "A bit busy kissing my boyfriend?" I was so scared that he wasn't here after all that I burst into tears. Sasha took me in her house and sat me on the sofa. "Okay. Tell me what is wrong. I know I'm not the first friend you would come to if you were upset so it must be something important. Please tell me. I want to help." She looked into my eyes. "I think you have done enough!" I spluttered cruelly. I didn't mean it but I had to be mean for her to tell me the truth. But being mean made me feel worse and I ended up wailing some more. "I'm sorry. I just can't find Joel and I'm going crazy about it. I stayed at his house overnight but when I woke up he wasn't there. I waited hours and he still didn't come and-" I had to stop because I couldn't help crying. She patted my back and hugged me hard. "Tell me everything. I'm going to help you." She said sweetly. So I did. I told her EVERYTHING. She waited patiently until I had finished and then comforted me. "He is a grown man. He can take care of himself. Have you called his parents? I'm going to keep you at my house until we find him. We will... Don't worry." She kept saying not to worry but it seemed like she was reassuring herself, not me. So I called his parents. Mistake. They had no idea where he was and they started to get worried too. His sister didn't know either. I called everyone who might know where he was but no one knew. I didn't know what else to do but cry.

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