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(Okay...I know this title sucks but one of the chapters was called Joel so I thought I should call one Lizzie.•~•)

"Don't forget your bunny slippers, Lizzie!" Joel shouts from the door. "Oh yeah! Thanks, I'll get them now."I yell back. I'm moving to a new house tomorrow with Joel and he is helping me pack my stuff before we go. I have one more night her before then, in nothing but an empty bedroom. It is kind of sad, but I'm starting a new life with Joel and Buddy. They are the only men I need in my life.

When Joel had left, it was already dark. I decided to go to bed because I was exhausted from carrying loads of heavy boxes into a car.

When I was in my long shirt and bunny slippers ready for bed, I heard something at the window. I didn't suspect anything because it could've been a bird. But it wasn't. Oh, how I wish I had checked before foolishly getting into bed.

When I turned the light off, I climbed into bed and closed my eyes sleepily. But I heard the window creak open. I opened my eyes but I was punched in the nose. Everything went black.


When I woke up, my hands were tied behind my back. I tried to cut them loose but it was a tough rope and it sliced at my every move. I looked around. I was in an empty hall with my hands and legs tied together. I was helpless. All I could do was yell. "Get me out of here!" I screamed. I heard a door open. I put my back against the wall and squinted at a door in the distance. "Come untie me! Let me out or I will call-" I stopped myself. I don't have my phone. I couldn't call anyone so that threat was pointless. I tried to make another threat but it was more like a threat to me. "Or I will come and fight you!" If I were to fight, I would trip and stumble and lose. There would be no point as I would best myself up more than I would best up them. I couldn't fight who ever it was but I could scream. So I did. "Show yourself, you coward! I'm not going to argue with a shadow!" I heard footsteps. They were heavy and slow and very dramatic. "You couldn't fight me even if you tried. Elizabeth Dwyer couldn't harm a fly." I was petrified but made my face look stern and fierce. His voice was deep and mellow but he still looked like a dark man in black. I couldn't make out his face but he looked dark. The shadow's hair was a soft brown colour and very fluffy. I hated the very thought if knowing him yet he seemed so familiar...

Jizzie ♥️Where stories live. Discover now