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The window slid down to show... Red? "Red? You were the one who tried to run me over?" I screeched, still in shock. "Oh... Hi Lizzie! What happened?" He looked so dazed. I couldn't tell if he had been injured from the crash or was very drunk... "Red? Are you alright? Should I call Tiff?" I only noticed then that she wasn't in the car with him. Suspicious. "Oh no! Don't call Tiff! She has been ignoring me all night!" Mario lowered his voice in the end just in case she was listening. "Why? You shouldn't be driving! You have had too many drinks for one night..." He started hazily into the distance. "I actually haven't had anything to drink..." He didn't look me in the eye when he said it. I didn't believe him one bit. "Then why did you try to run me over, you maniac!" I was burning with anger by now, literally screaming for answers. "I didn't try to injure you at all! My car went crazy! I couldn't control it... I thought I could pull over and ask you for help but the brake wouldn't stop and the steering wheel was jammed! I'm... Sorry." I couldn't help thinking he was lying but I didn't say anything. Couldn't he have be honked the horn? What about shouting out of the window? And it was almost as if he didn't want to say sorry to me even though it was HIS fault. But I decided to brush it off and head home. I suggested he should WALK home too.


"Joel?" I shouted, closing the door behind me. "I'm upstairs!" He yelled back. I rushed up to see him on the bed with a big bucket of KFC family chicken and a huge bottle of Dr. Pepper. "AWW! Thanks, babe." I went over for a hug but he was too eager and pulled me in for a kiss. He took me by the chin and our lips connected. When we finally pulled away, we both snacked on the breaded chicken and watched TV. Then, we both got into bed at about 4:30. I was so tired, I went straight to sleep. But when I woke up about ten minutes later, Joel's eyes were wide open and he hadn't moved at all...


In the morning, I lay in bed for a while just thinking. Should I tell Joel about Mario? What if he already knows? And why didn't he go to sleep last night? I mean, he was asleep now but in the same position as before. He has been acting really weird lately...

Jizzie ♥️Where stories live. Discover now