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It was finally the day! Exactly two weeks after the attempted murder was Tiffy and Red's wedding. Joel dressed up in his suit. He was Red's best man so he had to dress up special. I was one of Tiffy's bridesmaids, dressed in a beautiful white ball gown with silver sparkles glittering along the top. Although the bridesmaids dresses were outstanding, Tiffy's dress blew us all away. She didn't want anyone to see it until the special day so she picked it out herself. She looked GORGEOUS! Her dress was long and pearly white and shimmered in the sunlight. It fell over her feet, covering her small dainty heels. It fit her perfectly. But the best part was the huge flower made out of crystals that sat around her waistline to look like a buckle. When she came out, we all gasped in astonishment at this beauty that stood in front of us. She twirled around to show us all of the dress and looked like a majestic angel. I grabbed her veil and carefully placed it on top of her head, making sure it hung down in the right position. Her veil was a little white flower crown with thin cream silk attached to it. "Perfect." I whispered.

When it was time to go along the isle, Tiffy said she was nervous. "Now is NOT a good time, Tiff!" Stacy says chuckling. Tiffy laughs along too, but I could tell she was still worried. So just before her father took her arm to walk her down, I slipped one of my bracelets on her wrist. It was my lucky bracelet that had a little four-clover charm attached to it. She examined it whilst walking with her dad and then tilted her head back and mouthed thank you. Then, she carried on walking, fiddling with the charm all the way. I hurried to my spot on the side of the church as Tiffy and Red's eyes met. "We are all gathered here today to witness the marriage of Tiffany and Mario." The priest says. "I am now obliged to ask that if any believe not for these two beings to marry today, then speak now or forever hold your peace." He pauses. Everyone looks around the room to see if anyone will say anything. And just before the priest continues, someone screams.

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