Investigation Pt.2

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(Quick recap just in case you forgot what happened in the last chapter. Enjoy!^•^)

I left Yammy to her own things whilst Joel and I approached... Tiffy and Red's house. I didn't suspect them much either because they are just about to get married but-

Lizzie... Stop. Everyone is a suspect. Your boyfriend was almost KILLED. You are the only person who can save him from this evilness if they ever strike again! Who will it be... Joel or your friends?

JOEL. He is my boyfriend and I would do anything for him. Or perhaps he tried to kill himself but really he was going to kill m-

Lizzie. Shut up! He is your boyfriend. Why would he try to kill you with a robot? Everyone knows Joel is the worst person ever with tech stuff.

You're right. I mean, I'm right. Joel would never try to kill me... Would he? Anyway, Tiffy and Red were not suspicious at all. They answered all the questions with an honest answer and didn't look nervous throughout the whole hour. Suspicious.

I was looking round the room to see if there was anything curious when I spotted some wires on the table. Suspicious. "Umm... What are you guys using those wires for?" I wanted to ask like a friend so they would be a friend back and answer truthfully. "Our TV was broken because some guy outside threw his baseball through the window. That is also why there is a smash in it. When the tech guy came round to fix it, I guess he just left some here by accident." She smiled innocently. Suspicious. "Well, thank you for your time. Have a nice day." I rushed out of the door to get back in the car with Joel. He didn't come to anyone's house except Oli's because he got really nervous. I hopped back in the car and we drove off without looking back.


When we finally arrived at Sasha's, it was dark. But that was no excuse not to question her.

We knocked on the door, Joel with me, and Sasha answered straight away. "Hey guys! What's up?" She looked at us cheerfully. "Hey Sasha, we just want to ask a few questions. Is that okay?" I tried to look cheerful too but I was so tired by now. "Sure, sure, come in!" She bounced inside with us following after her. "Make yourselves at home." She said, showing us some scarlet leather sofas.

When we were comfortable, we asked some easy questions. She did get a bit nervous but she was quite calm most of the time. She answered some wrong but she just said she was tired. Suspicious. "Where were you on the night of July 13th?" She shuffled and didn't say anything for a while. But after a few minutes of biting her lip she said: "Okay! So I wasn't at home editing a video. I was out with my friends drinking in a club. I didn't want to tell you because it is really embarrassing." She started to cry out of embarrassment. Suspicious. I couldn't just watch her cry so I gave her a hug. But I didn't let her slip away THAT easy. I had to ask her ALL the questions before I left. She wiped away her tears and spoke truthfully. Suspicious. So I left her at her house after an hour of interrogation.

When we were back home, Joel and I went through who we thought it was. "I think it was either Oli or Yammy. They both seemed really nervous to talk about it and kept getting the questions wrong." I said. "But Tiffy and Red, the wires. And that smash in the window was obviously fake. They knew we were coming. And Sasha tried to make her your favourite by crying. She cried so she thought you would feel sorry for her and leave her." Joel was right. But he thought I was right too. At the end of the night, we finally decided that it was...

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