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"Mum? Are you there?" I shouted again. The keys still in my hand, I had a sudden idea. I needed to find out what happened so desperately. I dropped the phone, got in the car and slammed the door shut. Shoving the keys in the lock and twisting them violently, I pushed my heel down hard on the accelerator to make it rev. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Joel running up to the car. Finally, at the window, he panted: "You're leaving! Why?" He looked really hurt. "Joel! Of course I'm not leaving! I just... need to do... something." And with that, I drove away.

"Mum! Mum... Are you home?" I shouted, banging the door. I heard it echo around the house. "Mum?" I said again. I went to bang on the door once more but it suddenly creaked open. I peered inside to see... an empty house. I stepped in and gulped loudly. The house was dead silent.

I stomped up the stairs and sprinted into her room. Kicking open the door, I called her name. I looked to the bed where the covers had been thrown off and to the mirror, which had a long, thin crack. I start to cry, thinking it was all over. Suddenly, I hear a gust of wind whistle past my ear. "Hello?" I say, slowly edging towards the open balcony door. I tear open the wavy curtains and look out to the starry night sky. Forgetting why I was even there, I stare out wondering what Joel was doing now. "Hello," A calm voice comes from the side of the balcony, making me jump back into reality. I turn my head and see a wave of light purple hair and glaring, blue eyes. "Hello?" I reply, my voice shaking.

A/N Do you know who it is? Tell me in the comments!

I'm so sorry this is so late! I have no excuse but I'm so so so so so so sorry! Thank you for all your support whilst I've been away! I'm at 3k now! It's AMAZING! I can't thank you enough. See ya! - @lollypop644

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