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At Yammy's, we mainly played Minecraft on servers. It didn't cheer me up but everyone else was enjoying it so I didn't say anything. Only at about 3 am, we stopped gaming to order pizza. I got a Margarita pizza and some Dr. Pepper.

We didn't do anymore gaming because we were all too tired but then Yammy said: "I almost forgot! Lizzie, I haven't given you your surprise yet!" She energetically jumped to her feet and rushed into the bathroom. "I bet she'll come out with a pack of toilet roll!" Mitty joked. We were all rolling in laughter by the time Yammy came back. She was carrying a punch bag with a picture of Joel's face on it. I chuckled mildly but it made my stomach twirl.

At about 5 am, we all settled down. Everyone fell asleep very quickly but I couldn't bare to close my eyes. Joel was always there, the upset look in his eyes just like before. James was there too, squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe. "STOP!" I screamed, panting. "I don't love you-" "I'll make you love me!" He said, an evil grin upon his face. He was suddenly laying on a bed, me on top of him. I tried to get away but I was tied to him. He pulled my head closer to his, holding the side of my face for support. I struggled but it was no use. He was going in for a kiss but it was more than that. I felt his tongue flick against my upper lip whilst his hands slowly pulled off my shirt... I knew it was just a dream but I couldn't get myself to wake up. I couldn't control myself. I couldn't escape this nightmare. My hands moved along his chest and felt for his chin as the kiss deepens. He suddenly pulled away from the kiss and said: "I love you, Lizzie." My mind was racing with rage. I don't love you! I thought. But I couldn't say no and I ended up nodding. He smiled and pulled me back in.

"NOOOOOO!" I screamed, waking up in tears. Yammy rushed to my side and asked what was wrong. So I told her about my nightmare and how it all seemed too real. Soon, the whole Pixel Pact had gathered around and was giving me a hug. I was so relieved I had them, even if I don't have Joel anymore.

It wasn't bright but the sun was just about coming up so we decided not to go back to sleep. We all went downstairs for breakfast. But I couldn't focus on anything but my dream. Everything I saw reminded me of Joel and James. But the only question that I feared most was... Was it real?

Jizzie ♥️Where stories live. Discover now