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Joel. That's all I could think about. I was talking to a shadow with a dark, mellow voice and brown, fluffy hair. It was Joel. I couldn't believe it. My one and only love punched me and has kidnapped me in a room. "Joel?"I questioned. Tears brimmed in my eyes at the very thought. The shadow stopped in front of me and picked me up by the scruff of the neck. It was painful but I didn't dare flinch because it showed him I was weak. He sat me in a chair and said: "Many years ago, you were my crush. I loved you dearly and offered you my heart. But as the selfish woman you are, you declined me. I couldn't handle the heartbreak and I knew I would never love again. And it is all your fault!" He whipped of his dark robe to reveal... Joey Graceffa? "JOEY?!We're friends and we were never more than that. I didn't know you loved me? Why have you kidnapped me?" Me and Joey are friends. I never knew he loved... Me? Why me? "So I've kidnapped you here, Lizzie, to show you that if I can't love again... Neither will you!" At that exact moment, he brought out a gun and held it up to show me. I gasped and started breathing heavily. "What are you going to do? Kill me?" I said bravely. "Why would I kill you, Lizzie? No, of course not. But I will kill him!" Suddenly, a man tied to a chair was pulled out and put up next to me. He was struggling to break free. "JOEL!" I screamed. I started to cry. "You can't, Joey! Are you insane? Leave us alone!" Joey held the gun up to Joel's head. Joel looked at me. I saw the pain in his eyes, his heavy breath blowing into my face. "Lizzie... What is going on!" He started to cry too in fear of not knowing what was going to happen next. Joey looked at me with an evil grin upon his face. "Say goodbye to Joel, Lizzie!" He said, his finger on the trigger. BANG! "JOEL!" I shrieked.

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