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Okay...I don't wanna be a party pooper but this book is SOOOOOO DEPRESSING! Like, this if giving me the creeps. Lol... I'm such a baby😂.

But seriously, you guys are all wondering what happened to Lizzie's mum. SHE DIDN'T DIE, DON'T WORRY! But she was sent to jail because they thought she had killed get daughter. Sorry, spoiler. But this story just needs to be a bit happier, you know? So, what I'm gonna do is focus this story on Jizzie cuz it's going to far off track. The next chapter (which will probably come out on Friday... But idk😂😂) is going to carry on as if James didn't even exist.

Sorry if you're annoyed at me. 😫 I would be annoyed at me if I were you.

BTW...I kinda wanna make a sequel about Jizzie having a child or adopting one?? Tell me what you think!! You guys know more than me.😂

Byeeeeeeeeee - @lollypop644

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