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Joel had raped Yammy. I couldn't believe it. I knew he was angry at me but he still loves me... Doesn't he? And why would he take it out on Yammy? I was still so confused when Mum said my bed was ready.

"Goodnight, Liz. It's nice to have you back." Mum says peacefully, peeking her head around the door. "G'night." I reply, not really paying attention whilst putting my pajamas on. I hear her close her bedroom door so I turn off the lamp and snuggle under the covers too. I fall straight to sleep...

I wake up, but I'm not in my bed anymore. Ropes are tied around my wrists and ankles. The room is empty except for a ragged bed in the centre and a girl with blue hair in the opposite corner from me. It's Yammy. She hasn't seen me yet, her eyelids closed drearily. "Yammy!" I scream. She jumps awake. "Are you okay? I saw you on TV... Where are we?" I only notice when she lifts her head that her mouth has a bandanna across it, making her unable to speak to me. I try to say yes or no questions so she can nod or shake but I'm interrupted by a man who walks into the room. He was identical to the picture on the news channel. "Joel?!" I scream, knowing it was him all along. He chuckles and dramatically waits a while before answering, making the air tense. "I'm not Joel, you ridiculous little girl." I think for a while then ask: "Well, who are you then?" He grins. "I'm James. You met me... Remember?" Memories flicker in my mind, causing me pain. He laughs loudly, Yammy struggling behind him. "Why am I here?" I shout angrily. "You've been raped, my Lizzie." I hated that he said 'my Lizzie'. He crouches down beside and twirls one of my pink locks around his index finger. "You saw Yammy on TV, didn't you? And you saw me as well. But no one will find us here." He turns around to look at Yammy. "Not even your precious Kyle!" Laughing evilly, he exits the room.

Yammy, with difficulty, pulls off her bandanna, gasping for air. "Lizzie! We have to get out of here! He's crazy..." She looks up, as if she is having a flash back. "You're lucky you weren't awake when he raped you. I remember it vividly." She started to cry, unable to carry on her sentence. Finally, she stuttered on. "I just don't know how long we will be here until somebody finds us. How many more times will he do it to us?" "Yammy... Someone will find us. I'm sure J-Kyle will come to find you." I didn't want to say Joel because I'm not sure he even loves me anymore... "We'll get out of here. We will!" I said, reassuring myself that it was going to be alright. Yammy seemed to think I was correct and sat up timidly. But to be honest, I didn't believe MYSELF.

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