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SQUEE! OMG... JOEL HAS INVITED ME TO A DINNER DATE WITH HIM! Finally... a proper date! He said we were going to a place called Bella's Italian Kitchen. Sounds fancy! We're leaving at 7... OH NO! IT'S 6:30!! I've got to go get ready!

I rush into the bathroom and get my foundation, smearing it under my eyes and along my temple. When I've finished rubbing it in, I put on my eyeshadow and blush and quickly flick on some mascara. Back in my bedroom, I slip on my lilac purple dress that is covered in salmon-pink flowers. I grab a hair clip and stick my hair in a fancy bun. Finally, I rush down the stairs to see Joel, his arms out wide, practically glowing in his best suit. I twirl my hair around my finger in a flirty mood and bite my lip in a cute way. Joel grins, his adorable face lighting up. "So..." He said. "Shall we leave?" He started to turn as I hung my arm over his shoulder. "Yep!" I squealed excitedly. We opened the door and strolled over to our bright red car. (They did lock the house door... Don't worry! Lol... Am I the only one who says lol? *awkward laugh*)


At the restaurant, we are shoved menu's in our faces straight away. I scan it, hoping for something to catch my eye. I see 'Margherita Pizza' which I guess will do. I like meat but I rather vegetarian food. Joel gets a pasta dish called 'Spaghetti Carbonara' which sounded nice too. We order some Italian red wine and a big bottle of cold water because I'm really thirsty. When the crowd of waiters/waitresses finally leave, we have some time to talk. "Thanks for taking us here, Joel. This is really romantic and... special." I blushed. Joel smiled but it quickly faded nervously. "Wh-what's wrong?" I put my hand on top of his in a reassuring way. "It's just...we've been going out for a while now and..." I grinned. "Yes...?" I said, boosting him on.  "Oh yeah... Well," He looked away, unsure. "Come on! You can tell me anything! I'm your girlfriend!" I giggled. "That's what I wanted to ask you." He stepped away from his chair, making everyone turn their heads to face us. That's when he got down on one knee and opened a red velvet box to reveal a diamond ring with gold balls along the edges. "I can't promise you a big house or lots of money. But I can give you my heart even though you've already stolen that away from me." Everyone in the restaurant 'awed'. I clapped my hands over my mouth in astonishment. "Will you do the honor of marrying me?" "J-Joel. I-I-I-" I stuttered, too amazed to say anything. "YES!" I said finally, kissing his smooth, rich lips. I felt his curly hair and he caressed my pink locks. Everybody cheered. I didn't pull away from the kiss... It was a perfect moment.

And then that moment ended.


Jizzie ♥️Where stories live. Discover now