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(Hi. In this chapter, I'm going to do a little recap of what happened at the the end of the last chapter. It makes more sense. Enjoy!^•^)

"Say goodbye to Joel, Lizzie!" He said, his finger on the trigger. BANG! "JOEL!"I shrieked. I closed my eyes. I couldn't bare to see Joel's limp body, dead in front of me. I cried and cried, thinking I would never love again. I kept hearing his voice saying: "Lizzie, it's me. I'm okay." It was torture. Someone taps me on the shoulder. "Lizzie, what's wrong? I'm oka-" "Shut up, Joey! I will never love you!" I didn't want to do anything but sit next to Joel. I still love him, dead or alive. "Lizzie! Listen to me! I'm Joel! I'm here! Just turn around!" I looked around, expecting to still see Joey's evil grin looking down at me on the floor. But instead, it really WAS Joel, his warm smile and fluffy hair, as his eyes twinkled beautifully. "Joel! But how come? I definitely heard a gun fire! Are you sure you are okay?" I hugged him hard, questioning him like crazy. "Yes, I'm fine but look!" He pointed to the floor and there was Joey, his face flat against the floor. But it wasn't Joey. In the place a bullet had hit, electric sparks flew out like a broken computer. "What? That doesn't make any sense... Unless, someone was trying to make it look like Joey wanted to kill you! OMG... someone is trying to make Joey look evil! They are framing him!But who?" I was so confused! So Joey didn't really want to kill Joel... Someone wanted it to look like that. "I think a bigger question is who shot him?" Joel said, looking around the room. A man in uniform suddenly appeared from the shadows, putting a gun away in his pocket. "I did." He said slowly. "I'm the security guard of these grounds. I was just doing my duties outside when I heard someone screaming. I came in but stayed in the darkness to see what was going on so when he suddenly pulled out a gun, I shot him first. Or I shot what LOOKED like him. It is obviously some kind of mechanical lookalike!" He looked up sternly and walked over to us, then started examining the robot on the floor. "I'm afraid we are just as confused as you are, sir. This is all a mystery to us too. But I cannot thank you enough for saving my life." Joel said shaking his hand in gratitude. "Your welcome. I suppose I will be on my way then. Travel safely." He tipped his hat and walked off.
Once he was gone, I spoke to Joel. "I'm so glad you're safe. But who do you think is behind all of this? It can't be Joey because he wouldn't frame himself. No one is foolish enough to do that. Not even Joey." Joel nodded. "I agree." He said. "It must be someone who hides in the shadows..."

Jizzie ♥️Where stories live. Discover now