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💙Joel's POV💙

Lizzie has gone. She's left me for a back-stabbing, purple-haired freak who threatened to kill me. And she didn't leave to save me... She left because she loved Sasha all along. It makes my heart melt to think she never even loved me at all. I am broken. What is the point in living if there is no one to live with?

I sat at home, staring at a wall in depression. I was in agony; she had slipped through my fingers once more. I didn't know what to do, where to go... I was lost. And the only way to find my way back... Is to find Lizzie. But what if she really meant it though? What if she really does like Sasha more than me? I have to try... I can't live without her.

I got in the car and turned the key violently, making the car rev. Slamming my foot on the accelerator, I zoomed off. I suddenly thought... I don't know where she lives. So I stopped at Oli's house; he must know... He use to date her.

"Yeah, I know where she lives, that bitch. Down on BEEP BEEPITY BEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP." He said calmly. (He didn't really say all the beeps... I'm just beeping out the address. 😂) "Thanks Oli. Bye,"

I went down to the address I was told and banged on the door. Immediately, Lizzie opened it, a woman shouting from behind her. "JOEL!" She wrapped her arms around my waist. "I thought you'd never forgive me." She murmured. I put my arms around her lovingly, kissing her soft forehead. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE?" Sasha spat in disgust, coming up from behind Lizzie."GET OUT!" She screeched. "Sasha please... Just let me-" Lizzie started bravely, but she was soon cut off. "LIZZIE! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME? COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" Lizzie shuffled stubbornly until Sasha tightened her grip around Lizzie's wrist and pulled her over viscously. "And as for you," She said, waving her pointy nails at me. "If you ever come back here again... I will bring my little friend out to play..." She smirked wickedly and then slammed the door. I waited a while on the patio, listening to what was going on inside. Lizzie seemed to be crying and Sasha was trying to soothe her. Suddenly, there was a crunch, as if someone had stepped on something and broken it. Just like me... My heart is broken beyond repair.

'My heart is broken beyond repair."


- @Shirt4EveryOccasion aka @lollypop644

(Yup... I changed my name.😊 Gravity Falls rules!✌🏻️😏)

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