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Quick recap. Enjoy! BTW, I know you were all expecting some guy in a mask who was trying to kill Lizzie and Joel this whole time but I thought it was too much drama too close together. You are all in for a surprise! Mwahahaha!

And just before the priest continues, somebody screams. Everyone stands up and looks to a man who had stood up from the crowd and was crying. I wiped the sweat off my temple. Thank goodness! I thought. It is just her dad. I have too much drama in my life at the moment and this wedding was going be my getaway. I was so glad it was just her father.

"I don't think you're ready, Tiffy! I can't lose you just yet..." He started to trail off near the end as Tiff ran and squeezed him hard. Everyone awed from the stands including me. "You'll never lose me, Dad! You know that. I'll never be too busy to visit you." Her Mum fidgeted next to her. "And Mum, of course." Tiffy added quickly. Everyone laughed, even her Mum.


Walking home, (Joel had to rush home 30 minutes early because he got a call about the bills) I just wandered along the pavement slowly. I had only drank a little bit but I seemed drunk and dizzy. It was very dark and the road was empty. I thought it was about midnight but it could've been a LOT later. I was very tired but overall, I had an undramatic night.

Suddenly, I heard something coming up behind me. "It's just a car, Lizzie. It's just a car." I murmured to myself. I wasn't going to let anything ruin my wonderful night. And it was true. It was just a car. A car that was driving very fast. A car that was driving very carelessly. A car that was getting closer and closer... I stopped in my tracks. My heart beat got faster and faster and drummed in my ears. I started to run as horrid thoughts scattered my mind. The car was much faster than me but I didn't DARE look back. But finally, when I couldn't run away anymore, I jumped backwards... just in time. All of a sudden, the car crashed into the fence right in front of me, whilst I was lying on the floor in shock. The window slid down to show...

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