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As soon as Joel's gone, I start to cry. Why didn't he let me finish? I wanted to tell him I loved him! But he said he didn't care. I suddenly got so sad that I got angry. I picked up my phone and texted the Pixel Pact on WhatsApp.

Lizzie: Joel just walked out on me. I need a hug.😥

And a few seconds later, Yammy replies.

Yammy: What a💩! Who would walk out on Elizabeth Dwyer? You're awesome, babe! Come to my house... I've got a surprise.😘

Annie: Can I come? I need my babes...😢

Yammy: Of course! The whole Pixel Pact is going to be at my house at 5! Agreed?🌈

Mitty: Thank goodness! I need my girlies! Haven't seen you for ages, Lizzie! Hope you're okay!😇

Kat: Same! How've you been, Liz? Btw, I'm bringing some Munchies to your house, Yammy! They're my fav chocolates!🍫

(Btw, Munchies are British chocolate nibbles that are my favourite snack! Sorry, back to the story!)

Lizzie: I'm fine. I guess. But heartbreak is the worst pain ever.💔

Yammy: Aww... My poor pink-haired babe! Anyway, get off you're phone and get over here! All of you! It's almost 5 already!😎

Mitty: Yes, Mrs Yammy! Right away, Mrs Yammy!😂

Kat: Ha-ha! But seriously, let's GOOOOOOO! Pixel Pact for life!👾

Sorry this is a short chapter. I'm going to split this chapter in two parts because it's easier! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments you guys are leaving me! I love reading them and replying! Byeeeeeeeeee!

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