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"I-I-I can't choose. ITS NOT FAIR!" I screech in annoyance. Sasha thinks for a moment until her eyes widen and an evil smirk spreads across her face. "Well..." She says slowly, twiddling her gun in and out of her fingers. "If you don't come with me, I'll have to kill Joel. That is what I said before wasn't it?" She grins wickedly. My mind buzzed with thoughts like bees in a hive.

Sasha's a bitch. Why does she have to do this to me? If she really loves me, she wouldn't put me in this situation! There's only one option. I have to be the hero this time, not Joel.

Everyone was still in the restaurant, too scared to say or do anything. I look around nervously, refusing to look Joel or Sasha in the eye. Finally, I said what Sasha was waiting to hear... " I'll come with you, Sasha." I say, wearily. She smiles. "Good choice. You'll be happier with me than with that twat." She says, pointing to Joel and swinging her arm over my shoulder. "Lizzie, I-" Joel starts, but I cut him off. "I don't want to hear it, Joel. I love Sasha and I always have." I don't look at him whilst speaking, too afraid of his gorgeous face making me cry. But I see in the corner of my eye that he has tears streaming down his cheeks. "Lizzie has made her decision. We are going to leave now and have some fun." Sasha smirks evilly when she says 'fun' which makes me worried.

Sasha and I walked out of the restaurant silently, the moonlight shining down on us. She went to grab my hand but I flinched away. "Are you scared, Lizzie? You told me that you love me!" She yelled, snatching my hand. I yelped but knew too well not to flinch away.

After what seemed like years, she let go so I could open the door of her car. As soon as she let go, I wanted to run. Run as far away from her as possible. Run back to Joel and be in his arms, his nose gently rubbing against mine. Run anywhere... Anywhere but here. "You coming?" She says, her hands on the wheel. "Y-yes." I said simply.

OOOHHH ITS GETTING TENSE!!! HEHEHE!! Btw do you think that I should do the next chappie in Joel's POV? I've never done POV before so EVERYONE COMMENT what you think.

Love you!❤️

- lollypop644

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