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"Oli! Open the door now!" I screamed, banging the door with my knuckles. Joel stood behind me, shouting and banging the door too but with not as much anger. I wondered why but I had much more important things to think about so I didn't care.

When Oli finally opened the door, he saw the police behind us and put his hands in the air. "Who are these guys, Lizzie? Why are they arresting me?" He looked at me in confusion whilst a police officer pinned his hand on his back. "Ouch! Easy, fella!" Oli yelped. I didn't answer his questions, I just glared at him as he was driven off in the police car. Joel and I just watched the car drive off until it was out of sight.

Back home, I sat on the sofa, curled up, watching my favourite program but Joel didn't look as happy as I was. I tried to cheer him up. "We don't have to worry about going to sleep anymore!" He pretended to chuckle but still stared at the floor in sorrow. Finally, I couldn't take his sad eyes, so I switched off the telly and said: "Okay, Joel, what is wrong? We just figured out who it was yet all you want to do is look at the floor. Tell me what is up! Do you want to go out and celebrate? We could go bowling?" Bowling was our favourite thing to do. Although I was pretty mad whilst saying all of this, I perked up as the end to show him bowling is fun. But he obviously didn't want to celebrate. "What is wrong with you? We just arrested one of our best friends for something he might not have even done and you want to celebrate?!" He was really mad now, standing up and shouting. "So you're on the murderer's side? The one who tried to kill you?" I screamed angrily. "Oli isn't the murderer! He is our friend! We shouldn't have arrested anyone until we had proof!" Once he had said this, he started pacing the floor. I calmed myself down a bit and then asked: "So... Who else could it be?" Joel didn't answer because he was too lost in his own thoughts. I questioned hard until my brain ached and my mind was sore. But no one came to my mind as being a murderer. Why would any of our friends go against us? What did we do to make them want to kill us?


Joel and I agreed that it wasn't Oli. So we went to prison and bailed him out. Obviously, it took some reasoning with the police officer, but eventually Oli was in the car with us as we dropped him off at his house. The car was very silent as Joel drove us home. None of us knew what to say.

When we opened our door at home, we saw that some mail had come through. It was an invitation to Tiffy and Red's wedding! I was so excited but too tired to show it. I went to bed imagining me in a wonderful bridesmaids dress. Then I fell asleep...

Jizzie ♥️Where stories live. Discover now