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A/N: I'm sorry for the confusion in the last chapter. I tried to make the impression that Lizzie is confused and going mad because she isn't with the one she loves... She only loves Sasha because of her eagerness when having sex. Sorry that I didn't make that clear and sorry this is so late. If you're still confused after this chapter, tell me in the comments because I am happy to help. But please no hate... We are all friends.😊 Enjoy!

❤️Lizzie's POV❤️

I need to go. I'm going insane without Joel... I need him with me. I just hope Sasha will be reasonable and let me free but I don't want to put Joel in danger. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut... No, I have to leave.

"Sasha... I-I..." I tried to tell her but I didn't know what to say. "Spit it out!" She said angrily. "I need to go home! I miss my cat, I miss my house and most of all, I miss my fiancée, Joel-" I said as quickly as I could. "DON'T SAY THAT PRICKS NAME IN MY HOUSE!" She interrupted, completely red in rage. I suddenly became furious at her. "Don't you DARE talk about Joel that way!" I screech. She flicks her eyelashes maliciously at me, a wicked smile upon her face. "I can say whatever I want, sweetie." She licks her lips and jumps on me, knocking me to the ground. I squeal and my head starts to ache. "What's wrong, hun? You scared?" But I wasn't going to let her toy with me again... She was just about to smack her lips against mine when I rolled out of the way. "Come back here you little shit. You're my experimental game... Our little secret." She started to crawl towards me. I shuffled along the floor nervously. Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I spot the front door. I have an idea.

She's so close I can feel her breath on me, my back against the stairs. There is nowhere else to go. "Finally... stop playing with me, Lizzie." She twirls one of my hairs around her finger. "Wanna take this upstairs?" I look away, starting to feel light-headed just like before when we had sex. "Oh, come on. You know you want to..." She takes me by the hand and stands me up. This was my chance. I let go of her hand and push her aside, darting for the door. "NO! STOP!" She screams, but I ignore her. I kick the door open and rush out, feeling the fresh morning air blow on my face. I stop at the driveway, wondering how I'm going to get home. I look around and see a bus stop. Squinting, the closest time to now says 10:45. I glance down at my watch... 10:43. Without a second thought, I sprint to the stop. "STOP RIGHT THERE, LIZZIE DWYER!" She follows me down the road butI don't dare stop. I know my fiancé is waiting for me at home with open arms, ready to marry me. I don't stop sprinting until I get there and straight away, I spot the bus coming down the road. I don't care where it's going, but I just want to go as far away from here as possible. Without even checking the destination, I get on the bus. I went to sit down when the bus driver said: "You have to pay for a ticket, miss." I stop in my tracks. I don't have any money, do I? I check in my pockets... Empty. I find my purse but all I have in it is my 'Zombie Apocalypse' money... Suddenly, I remember. I keep a spare £10 note always in case of a zombie apocalypse. I  grab the money and give it to the bus driver. He gives me a bus ticket and £5 change. "Also, miss," He said before I walked to the back of the bus. "Do you even know where this bus is going?" I looked at him. "Well... No." I said plainly. "We are going to BEEP BEEPITY BEEP BOOP." (He didn't actually say the 'beep's, I just added them cuz I can't think of a place.) I felt a surge of sudden relief. The place he just said was where I live. "Yes, I do know that place. Thank you very much." I quickly sat down and heard the doors close. I was safe.

A/N WOAH THAT WAS A BIGGY! 700+ words!😜 I hope you're not still confused but if you are please tell me... I am happy to help.


- @lollypop644

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