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"I DON'T F**KING CARE! LEAVE ME ALONE, JOEL!" I hear James scream from downstairs. Yammy and I were still stuck in this torturous house with James, both of us weak now. My eyes brightened when I heard Joel's name being said. He must be trying to find us, telling James that he's crazy to do this to us. I made myself think this as I didn't have many happy thoughts at the moment. I closed my eyes and believed I was still next to him, hand in hand. It made my eyes flutter at the very thought of being with him...

Suddenly, I hear a door crash to the ground. I try to scream but just like Yammy, our mouths are covered by bandannas so all you hear is a muffled voice. James is swearing and yelling, throwing punches at the hero who had come to save us. I needed to alert the person downstairs that we were up here. But how? I couldn't scream or shout. I couldn't make noises with my mouth... But my feet could. I banged my heels against the fragile wooden flooring, Yammy observing my way of noise and doing the same. We keep banging until our feet are numb. But finally, we hear feet thumping up the stairs. "YOU LITTLE S**T, JOEL!" James yells from the bottom of the stairs, obviously unable to get to Joel.

"Lizzie!" He screams, storming into the room and starting to unite my bandanna. Once it's off, I breathe heavily and pant: "Yammy! Help... Yammy!" I'm so weak I can hardly say the words but Joel seems to understand and rushes to Yammy's side, only just noticing she was even there. I use my fingers to scratch away the ropes around my wrists that Joel had loosened and then move on to untie the ones around my ankles.

Once finished, I stand up, finally able to catch my breath until Joel suddenly grabs my hand and tugs me forward, Yammy in his other hand. He dragged us down the stairs, narrowly missing an angry James at the bottom until we finally ran through the smashed down door onto the muddy earth on his porch. Joel loosened his grip on my wrist and let go of Yammy's to unlock the car door. "Joel... Hurry up please!" I whispered, looking over my shoulder to see James coming towards us on his hands and knees. Joel ignored me but grunted, juggling his keys and pushing them aggressively into the lock until it made a satisfying click. He let go of me too so I could rush to the car door whilst he ran to the opposite side, Yammy already in the back seat, buckling up. (Always buckle up, even when your boyfriend's brother is trying to kidnap you! LOL!) I went to hop in when a five sharp fingers dug into my skin, causing me to yelp in pain and let go of the car door. MISTAKE. The sharp fingers started to drag me to the floor, a quiet cackle ringing in my ears. My heart hammered against my chest. My mind raced. I fell to the floor and closed my eyes, thinking if I forced myself to fall asleep then I could wake up, as if it all were a dream. Familiar voices were screaming my name, telling me to just do something. I obediently tried to stand up but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move. I felt as if my body weren't even attached to my arms and legs because when I tried to wriggle and fidget, my limbs just wouldn't respond. Finally, I thought I had moved but I hadn't. Someone was slowly dragging my limp body along the mud, my mind bursting in distress. What do I do?

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