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Once we had all left Yammy's, I went to my mum's house. I decided I couldn't go back to our house just in case Joel was there.

I told Mum I was coming so she stayed up to wait for me. "Lizzie! So good to see you, darling! How've you been?" Mum squeals excitedly whilst I give her a hug. "I'm fine. You?" Mum looks to the ground, a worried expression across her face. "Mum? What's wrong?" I put my arm on her shoulder lovingly. "I miss you so much, dear. I'm so lonely here-" She spluttered a bit but couldn't finish as she burst into tears. "Aww... You should've told me! I'm happy to come visit." I paused. "At the looks of things, I might be staying here a while. Joel is on a... umm... trip with his friends. He won't be back for a while." I lied. Mum cheered up a bit when I said I would stay. "I'll get your bed ready. Just get comfortable, Liz!" And with that, she was up the stairs and out of sight.

I went into the kitchen, my belly rumbling painfully. I rummaged in the fridge for a carton of milk and got some cocoa powder from the cupboard to make some hot chocolate. Once finished, I topped it off with some mini marshmallows and went to sit down on the sofa.

Taking a sip of hot chocolate, I turned on the TV and flicked channels until I was on the news channel. "Female teenager has been raped by insane, lonely boy. Here are some pictures..." Said the man on the telly. "WHAT!" I said aloud, seeing a picture of Joel pop up on the screen. It was a small picture but I could make out it was him. Suddenly, the TV flicks to show another picture of a girl with blue hair who looks just like... "WHAT!" I scream again.

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