Investigation Pt.1

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Someone is framing Joey. I don't know who. I don't know how. But it isn't Joey behind all this. Joel and I decided to investigate. We need to know who is trying to kill us. So we headed out with a bunch questions to determine who the murderer is. First, we went to Oli's house.

"Hello, Oli! I know this is a bit strange but we just want to ask some questions." I said simply, standing at his door. "Sure! Come in, you guys. Make yourselves at home." He opened his door wide to show we were welcome. Suspicious. Joel looked nervous. He doesn't trust anyone anymore. I don't blame him because someone DID try to kill him. I would be pretty nervous too.

In Oli's house, we got comfortable and started asking a few simple questions. Oli looked very worried about answering in case he got it wrong. "You okay, Oli? You look a bit nervous?" I said, trying to act like a friend to get some words out of him. " No! No! I'm fine." But he wasn't. He wiped some sweat of his forehead and nibbled his lip. Suspicious.

I asked him a few more questions before ending the interrogation. "Thank you for your time, Oli. We will get back to you as soon as we can." Oli nodded, his panda hat flapping over his eyes. "Thanks for coming round! I love having my lollipops over! You can come round anytime if you want some more help with solving this case. Byeeeeeeeeee!" He said, slamming the door quickly behind us. Oli spoke so fast that if made me suspect him even more. Suspicious.

We then headed to Yammy and Kyle's house. I didn't suspect them at all but I knew we had to check. "Lizzie!" She screamed as I opened the door. "I was so worried about you and Joel. I've heard ALL about this GUY who has been trying to kill you and I was like... WHAT?! But I'm just so glad you are okay!" She hugged me tight, squeezing me energetically. "Wait, what do you mean GUY? And where did you hear ALL about this?" I said, pulling away and giving a stern look. Yammy looked nervously at the ground and started wriggling her toes inside her shoes. Suspicious. "Oh, you know. It must be a GUY because they said they liked you a few years ago. And I heard about it from Oli." She said it quickly and it seemed like she was pushing the blame on someone else. Preferably Oli. Suspicious. "Where is Kyle?" I asked, now very concerned. I couldn't believe I was questioning my best friend about trying to kidnap me. But you never know. "Kyle is just... Out." She says quickly. Suspicious.

I left Yammy to her own things whilst Joel and I approached...

To be continued...

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