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A/N I'm so sorry that you've had to wait so long for this chappie. And thank you SOOOOOO much for all the comments you guys are leaving me! Shoutout to everyone who commented on my last chapter. I love reading and replying to everyone! Oh yeah, and the next chapter is to announce the winner of the competition! Sorry. I'm ranting! Enjoy! ^°^

"It's not a dream, Lizzie. Get up. Get up." I murmured to myself. Suddenly, I feel a surge of energy rush into my arms and legs, flowing through my body. I get up feebly, the sharp dagger-like nails still digging into my arm. "LIZZIE! COME ON!" I hear Joel shout from the car window. I look down the arm of the dagger-like nails to see James grinning wickedly. "LET GO!" I scream, tugging at his arm. Obediently, he lets go. I rush to the car door and swing it open, diving in as quick as I can.


We all stay silent in the car ride home until suddenly, a notification pops up on Joel's phone screen. I pick it up and swipe across, inputting his password that I already have memorised. It's a message from Kyle.


I pretend to be Joel and reply:

Joel: Yes, I've got Yammy and Lizzie. They're both fine and we are almost home. See you soon.

And he was obviously waiting for a reply because he messages back straight away.

Kyle: Thank goodness! See ya.


After dropping Yammy home, Joel and I head to KFC. "My treat!" He said awkwardly, taking a sharp turn.

"One chicken bucket, a medium portion of chips (Chips are British fries, if you didn't know) and a small Coke, please!" I say politely to a man behind the counter. He nods, his chubby fingers hitting buttons on the till. "And for you, sir?" He says, gesturing to Joel. "Umm... I'll have a small portion of chips and a medium Mountain Dew, please." The man clicks a few more buttons then puts out his hand. "£7.75 please!" Joel hands him some notes and a few coins. Then, the man rushes off.

Joel and I sit down in the corner of the room, sitting awkwardly still. What do I say? Should I say thank you? We're both very silent until our food comes.

~~~~~~~~~~AT HOME~~~~~~~~~~

I go to sit on the sofa when suddenly, Joel hugs me tight. "I'm s-sorry." He sobbed quietly in my ear. "I still... Love you." "I love you too, Joel." And with that, we kissed.

I then remembered something. "Mum! I slept at her house the night I disappeared! She's probably worried out of her mind!" I walked up and down along the corridor, thinking about what to do. I didn't know where my phone was, probably with James. "Give me your phone, please!" Joel rummaged around in his pockets for a while and then shrugged. "It might be in the car?" He said. I picked up the car keys and rushed out of the door, sprinting to the car in the dead of the night. The moon was full and it shone bright on our flaming red car. But I had no time to admire, so I looked eagerly in the window of the car before unlocking it and flinging it open to see... Joel's phone. "Yes!" I whispered, doing a little victory air punch. I picked it up and slammed the door shut, shoving the keys in the lock and making it click. Then I unlocked Joel's phone and went on 'Dialer'. I didn't bother to go inside the house. Straight away, I just dialed Mum's number and held the phone up to my ear, listening intently. My breath was so heavy I could only just hear the ring. But from what I could hear, it sounded like no one had picked up. "Mum?" I shouted, a break in my voice.

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