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A/N Quick recap. You guys know the drill😜.

It was a perfect moment. And then that moment ended. "HOW DARE YOU?!" A voice screamed. I quickly pulled away, a furious look upon my face. "How dare we what?" Joel questioned calmly. "HOW DARE YOU MARRY HER, YOU PRICK! I AM SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE TO MARRY HER! I'VE LOVED YOU FOR YEARS, LIZZIE, AND THEN YOU BETRAY ME?" The voice sounded hurt but in rage. "I don't understand... Who are you?" I said, standing up slowly. Suddenly, a face emerges out of the shadows. A familiar face... The purple hair, the jaw-dropping beauty of her to make any man love her instantly... "Still don't remember me, Lizzie?" I don't answer for a while. "SASHA! YOU-YOU LOVE ME?" I say, confused. "I always have. And then this prick comes out of the blue and steals you from under my nose. I've been waiting for the chance to tell you my feelings and then when I'm just about to talk, this dick gets on his fucking knee and asks you to marry him? And you agree? Why?" "BECAUSE I LOVE HIM! AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" I shout furiously. My mind is racing with thoughts but my body stays completely still. "You think I can't stop you?" She says wickedly, an evil smirk across her face. "I'm going to bring one of my familiar friends out... He's going to meet Joel and he's going to make things right..." Whilst speaking, she pulls out a gun from her purse. My mind aches from thinking but all of a sudden, I know. "You-you framed Joey! And you tried to get away with it! YOU BITCH! AND TO THINK I EVER TRUSTED YOU! It all makes sense now... The way you acted... The way you looked... I can't BELIVE-" I was in agony to get my rage out of me but I was soon interrupted. "Lizzie... Just do what you think is right... Only you can decide our fate." Joel said, confidently. I glanced to Sasha, her hair waving perfectly and her body glowing with beauty. I looked over to Joel, his suit with wine down it and his hair flat and messy. This was my time to choose but I couldn't risk losing someone I love to make the wrong choice. What do I do?

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