Chapter Eleven: Shadow

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My feet were hurting from the running. The further I ran away, the heavier it got to keep stepping on the sidewalk. Every breath I took was like a knife, sharp and painful.

And eventually. I stopped.

Looking back, I tried to breath. The building was far from me now, but I could still see it there.


Alec told me to leave. But knowing something could happen, I couldn't just leave him. I couldn't.

Stubborn. Whatever he wished to call me, but I'm going back. I'm going back for him.


Not a while after Clary left, three other demons came down from the upper floor. They stood there in a line, watching me, before they started to launch themselves at me.


I wish I have my arrow with me. But I was so panic when she called that I only grabbed the nearest weapon in Jace room and ran here as fast as I could.

It was not until a demon throw me at the wall that I could feel my vision a little blur.

I already killed two of them, so there were only one more to go.

Calling them "strong" would be an understatement. They were a type of rare demons, they were quiet powerful too. They rarely show themselves, but when they do, they usually attack with all force.

When my vision came much clearer, I gathered myself up and prepared to ran at the creature. But before I could even do so, something jumped down a few meters in front of me.

It was a figure. Lean, tall, and its outfit was dark -a hood was covering above the figure's head. It almost seems like the figure was only a silhouette.

A long sword was shown firmly on the person's hand, shining brightly from the reflection of the moonlight. The sword looked unfamiliar to me, but it felt like I've seen it before.

A strange thing happened.

The demon that once was flying towards our direction suddenly stopped in front of the figure. Watching. Even though the figure was back-facing me, I could already see how close that person was to the demons.

However, the figure just stood there, not stepping back.

The figure held out the sword and pointed it towards the demon. As if the figure was giving it a warning not to come closer. But the demon only let out a screech of disagree, nor did it move from its place too. It was almost seem like there was something that holds the demon from attacking the figure.

The figure suddenly jumped up. Swift like the wind, and elegant -like a ballerina, dancing in the thin air.

The next second, the figure was already pinning the demon on the ground with its sword digging pass the demon's chess.

Then the figure jumped back, taking a good few steps from the demon that was twisting in agony on the floor. The metal of the figure's sword was covered with bloods.

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