Chapter 1

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Yongsun's P.O.V

        "Are you out of your mind Eric?! How could you possibly do this to me? You cheated on me and here you are asking me let your mistress live here in our house? In our own fucking house?!!! What the hell Eric?!", I screamed at my husband anger visible in my eyes. I just can't believe on what is happening right now. I thought we were happy together as a married couple but now, I don't know what to think anymore.

" I'm sorry Yongsun-ah. I really am. It's never my intention to hurt you. It's just my parents told me to do this for the company and you know that I can't do anything.", I looked at my husband not believing everything he said. He is in front of me looking at me with those pleading eyes.

"Then what about me Eric?! I'm your wife for Christ's sake!"

" I know.. Believe me I know but-"

Before he could say anything I cut him off shaking my head as tears rolled down my face. " Your parents didn't know about me being your WIFE. Yeah, I get it. I really do. But why now Eric? Why now when your about to leave for Italy? Don't tell me you're going to leave with that woman?"

Eric scratched his head, clearly disoriented by the situation. " Just for a few months Yongsun-ah. I'll just take care of the company then we will talk about this when I get back. Please, I promise I will make everything alright again."

I shook my head disappointed. " I can't believe this Eric.", I started but then I was interrupted when someone opened the frontdoor with a loud thud.

Both Eric and I looked at the door with curious faces. But mine was replaced by an angry one eyebrows knitted together and nose flaring in anger I started to walk towards the woman whom my husband cheated me with.

"How dare you barge in here you fucking slu-", she stopped me by putting her arm around my waist, her index finger shushing me.

"Hey now Miss Yongsun. Please don't say the 'S' word because I'm nothing like that to be honest.", she said in a low husky voice. I glared up at her big brown eyes that conveys mischievousness. I also noticed that she's a few centimeters taller that me her long arms proving me so.

"Moonbyul. Please let go of my wife.", my husband said in a warning tone.

Moonbyul finally let go of me not before giving me a smirk. I noticed her luggage then I felt that irritation again building inside of me.

I looked at Moonbyul then to Eric. They were having a staring contest and I can feel the jealousy and anger firing up.

" What now? Do you wanna fuck each other in front of me? As if you're cheating wasn't enough!", I screamed which caused them to look at me. Moonbyul snickered while Eric blushed and I hated it.

"No Yongsun. I would never do that. I love you so much you know that right? I promise that everything will be okay once I get back from my family's meeting in Italy."

I started tearing up again. Eric will leave me with his mistress and we can't talk about it until he comes back from Italy. Ugh! I'm so fucked up!

My Husband's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now