A Promise

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"Babe I don't think I can do this, I feel sick" Lauren said pacing the length waiting area she shared with many other contestants.

"You're going to do great." Y/N told her holding her shoulders.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands" Lauren obeyed as Y/N reached into her back pocket pulling out a small black box. She took out the ring from it's cushioned bed and gently held Lauren's hand in her own. Lauren opened her eyes and watched y/n place a silver sing with a pink gem on her left ring finger. Y/N saw Lauren's open eyes and smiled.

"This ring is a promise that I'll always be there for you. No matter where I am, or where you are" Lauren threw her arms around Y/N's neck.

Someone on the other side of the room called Lauren's number making them pull apart.
"I believe in you" Y/N whispered into their kiss before watching Lauren make her way to the XFactor stage.


Y/N stood on the side of the stage watching her girlfriend perform with her bandmates. She knew it was her cue to go on stage once they'd finished this song, she had planned a surprise with the help of the girls. Her nerves were now just setting in. She was always pictured with Lauren in the magazines, but she'd never been on stage with her before. She took a shaky breath and made her way on stage as the girls were talking to the crowd.

The crowd cheered once they saw her making Lauren turn around, the girls saw her and smirked moving away from Lauren.

"Hi baby" Y/N greeted Lauren with a kiss, Lauren kissed her back shocked before wrapping her arms around her neck.

Y/N ignored the crowd and focused on Lauren.

"5 years ago I gave you this ring before you went on to audition at XFactor" Y/N said slipping the ring from Lauren's left ring finger, it was the first time she'd taken it off since she'd put it on. Y/N knelt in front of Lauren causing the crowd to go wild and Lauren to place a hand over her mouth, tears forming in her eyes.

"That day I promised to be with you no matter what. Today I give my life to you forever" Y/N took the ring box out of her jacket pocket and opened the box in front of Lauren. 

 "With this ring I give you my mind, my body and my soul

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"With this ring I give you my mind, my body and my soul." Y/N said in a slight whisper slipping it onto Lauren's finger followed by her promise ring.

"You already have my heart. Lauren Michelle Jauregui will do me the greatest honour of being my wife?" Lauren nodded and collapsed to her knees in front of Y/N pulling her in to a gently kiss before sobbing onto her shoulder. Y/N wrapped her arms around Lauren and stuck her thumb up at Dinah.

"Give it up for the newly engaged Y/Ship/N!" Dinah screamed into her microphone making the whole stadium chant. The girls ran to the kneeling couple and engulfed them into a group hug.

"Y/Ship/N! Y/Ship/N! Y/Ship/N! Y/Ship/N!" Lauren giggled into Y/N's neck and stood up helping her to her feet. Once the girls let them go. Y/N helped Lauren fix her makeup before kissing her temple.

"We'll celebrate once you've finished" Y/N winked and kissed Lauren's cheek before running backstage into the girls dressing room. Y/N fist bumped the ceiling and collapsed onto the couch with a squeal of joy.

A/N: My first published LJ fanfic. I hope you like it, I have plenty more being written.

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