The Newlywed Game Pt. 2

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[Bold is Y/N\ Italics is Lauren \ Normal is Ellen]

Previously on 'The Newlywed Game':

"You're such a child" Lauren shook her head watching her adult wife try and fit a whole cookie into her mouth at once.

"You love me" Y/N mumbled behind her hand as she tried not to spit cookie crumbs all over the floor.

"We're ready for you" The assistant from earlier called as he opened the door without knocking.

Lauren watched Y/N quickly chew and swallow her cookie before drinking some water.

"You're an ass" Y/N mumbled wrapping an arm around Lauren's waist as they walked to their mark waiting to be announced to the stage.

Lauren and Y/N walked hand in hand out onto the stage when they heard Ellen announce their names.

"Please welcome the wonderful and talented Lauren and her wife Y/N Jauregui." Ellen shouted over the audience who were cheering and yelling loudly at the mention of Lauren's name.

The couple dances to Fifth Harmony's Work from Home as they made their way towards Ellen, hands still tightly locked together.

The couple hugged Ellen and sat down on the white couch opposite her. Y/N sat down first pulling Lauren down onto her lap.

"Pleased to be here" Lauren waved to the audience who were still on their feet cheering. Some were even chanting her name.

"I love watching this show, it's surreal to be here" Y/N said in awe looking around the set, her arms were around Lauren's waist their hands meeting together in the latter's lap.

"Well it is an honour to have you both here, you are such a wonderful couple" Ellen beamed at the pair.

Ellen went on to interview the pair for a few moments before she received a signal from Andy behind the camera to start the game she wanted them to play.

"Portia and I loved your girlfriend tag livestream. That brings us to a game we wanted to play with these lovely ladies. The Newlywed Game" Ellen grinned to the camera.

Ellen gave each woman their notepad from before as Lauren slipped of off Y/N's lap to sit beside her, their bodies were still touching from their shoulders to their feet.

"So the first question we asked was directed to Y/N. Y/N 'what colour are your wife's favourite slippers?'" Ellen asked as each woman turned over the page of their notepad to reveal their answers.

"My socks" Y/N's card read.

"None, I wear socks" Laurens card read

Y/N leant over to read Lauren's notepad and laughed.

"Like I said my socks" Y/N scoffed earning herself a nudge in the ribs.

"You always told me 'what's mine is yours'" Y/N mock glared at her wife.

"That was a fun interview on Ellen, now we're going to get divorced" Y/N joked.

"Moving on, Y/N if Lauren is in the doctors waiting room what magazine does she read?" Ellen asked again.

"Nothing" in the corner of the paper was a small 'PTO for further explanation'

"I scroll through Tumblr" Lauren's card read

"Would you like to explain your answer Y/N?" Ellen asked as Lauren glanced down at Y/N's answer.

"Well I said that if she's nervous she'd sit on my lap in silence, or she'd be on my phone scrolling through Tumblr" Y/N explained as she turned over her card to see that exact answer.

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