The Girlfriend Tag

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Bold is Y/N

Italics is Lauren


Y/N sat at the desk in her office in front of her iMac she had just started the TwitCam live stream.

"Hello and happy Wednesday! Thank you all for tuning in, look at those numbers rise. I am Y/N, as you know, today I will be doing something that a lot of you have been asking for, including my special guest! So without further ado, this is the girlfriend tag. Featuring my girlfriend, Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony" Y/N announced excitedly. She knew that was Lauren's cue to appear but she didn't.

"Lauren, get your ass up here!" Y/N shouted leaning backwards so her voice would carry out of the door and downstairs.

"Where is she?" Y/N mumbled as she pulled out her phone and texted Lauren. Completely ignoring her follow of questions appearing on her screen from her viewers.

"Y/N stop blowing up my phone I'm here. Don't forget you are live" Lauren pecked Y/N's lips as she took a seat in her lap.

"Oh popcorn" Y/N yelled reaching for a handful of popcorn pushing it all into her mouth.

Lauren looked at Y/N with her eyebrow raised.

"Wha?" Y/N asked through a mouthful of half chewed popcorn.

"Anyway, where are the questions? You aren't talking if you are gonna be eating" Lauren told her girlfriend sternly who handed over her phone.

Lauren tried to unlock her phone but failed. Lauren grabbed Y/N's wrist before she could reach the bowl of popcorn and pressed her thumb against the home button, the phone sprung to life at Y/N's touch making Lauren smile.

"Thanks baby" Lauren kissed Y/N's cheek as she got comfortable in Y/N's lap, her legs were dangling over the arm of the computer chair.

Y/N was sat up with her legs wide open so that Lauren's ass was between her legs. Lauren had her head on Y/N's shoulder, while Y/N's right arm was wrapped around Lauren's back playing with the strands of hair at her fingertips.

Lauren smiled up at Y/N and placed the Popcorn bowl in her own lap as she knew Y/N wanted come up couldn't reach. Y/N grinned at her girlfriend who placed a piece of popcorn on Y/N's tongue.

"I love you" Y/N smiled kissing the top of Lauren's head. Lauren kissed Y/N's jaw in return.

"Meh, you're okay" Lauren squealed as Y/N began to tickle her side, Lauren giggled and shoved a handful of popcorn in Y/N's mouth.

"I love you" Lauren said still giggling as she began to read through the questions on Y/N's phone.

"Good place to start, who said 'I love you' first?" Lauren read the question out loud and looked up at Y/N.

"Funny story, I wouldn't say we said it to each other. We were in the middle of an argument, which neither of us remember and it just happened. I think I was the one who said it, well screamed it at you" Y/N chuckled, Lauren nodded in agree.

"But after the argument, it was me who said it in a calm manner" Both girls laughed.

"Oh do this one, where did we meet?" Y/N said pointing at her phone.

Lauren placed her hand over Y/N's mouth as she went to speak.

"Y/N likes to tell people that I saw her from across a dimly lit room and ran to her. Something in that sense. That is not true, it's very unromantic. We met in the bathroom of a club. I was- eww" Lauren whined pulling her hand away from Y/N's mouth wiping it on Y/N's shirt.

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