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Lauren wasn't feeling like herself on stage tonight and she felt like it showed in her performance. She was suffering from bad Period cramps and just wanted to go back to the hotel and have a hot bath.

Well what she really wanted was her girlfriend Y/N but she was back home in Miami; studying for her College exams. Y/N and Lauren had been dating for the past 2 years, since they met at a Chinese restaurant that Y/N's family owned and where she worked when she wasn't at College.


Lauren and a friend were meant to go out to dinner tonight the night before her birthday, as she was to celebrate with her family tomorrow. Lauren let her friend choose the restaurant; it ended up being Laurens favourite Chinese restaurant which she was extremely happy about.

"I love this place" Lauren whispered to herself as she parked her car outside. She was meeting her friend here.

Lauren walked in and went to the bar to wait for her friends. She slid onto a bar stool and turned to face the bartender. A girl wearing a black uniform and black sunglasses was stood a few feet away from Lauren filling up a glass with Coke.

"Can I get a glass too?" Lauren asked with a smile when they girl looked her way.

Lauren couldn't tell the girls facial expression behind the glasses, but she was smiling.

"I actually work in the kitchen but sure" The girls laughed and handed Lauren a glass of Coke.

"Thanks" Lauren smiled and took a sip of the cool liquid.

"I hope my friend hurries up, I'm starving" Lauren groaned watching the girl gulp down the rest of her drink and place it under the counter.

"I hope so too, enjoy your night here" The girls gave Lauren a quick nod before she disappeared into the kitchen.

Lauren was scrolling through Tumblr on her phone when her phone notified her of a text.

Work is making me stay :( I'm sorry boo

Lauren frowned at the text and took another sip of her drink.

It's fine, see you Friday x

Lauren looked at the time; it was only 8:30. She could either go home and order pizza and eat ice cream or she could still enjoy her night and eat some yummy food.

Lauren sighed and pocketed her phone. She would wait till someone came back to the bar, pay for her drink and go home. She didn't fancy eating alone in public. Especially with the restaurant as busy as it is.

"Why the long face?" A voice asked from in front of her making her head snap up from the glass in her hand.

"Can I pay for this?" Lauren asked ignoring the girls' question. She tilted her head to the side and frowned.

"Aren't you staying?" Lauren shook her head. The girl was now dressed in jeans, white tank top and a leather jacket. But she still had those sunglasses on.

"Friend can't make it" The girl smiled slightly.

"Come with me" She gestured for Lauren to come around to the other side of the bar as she walked through to the kitchen.

"Y/N?" A voice called out as Lauren stepped into the kitchen area behind the girl.

"Estoy usando el espacio de la oficina, prometo no se interponga en el camino" The girl said as she turned to see Lauren, she smiled and led her over to a small corner of the kitchen away from the madness of the main kitchen.

Lauren Jauregui One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now