Meeting the Parents

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Well shit! It's been nearly a year since I've updated this, but it doesn't mean that I'm not writing. Because I am, I promise you that. 

Work is crazy, private life is crazier, but I have my new laptop now so I won't be too stressed when writing. 

I hope the next update won't take so long :D

Oh and the amount of reads on this still boggles my mind. and I'm ranked? CRAZY!!! :*

So here it is, something I wrote today while I wait to start work, I hate having night shift -.-


"I'm so nervous" Lauren mumbled against Y/N's lips, Y/N was trying to calm her down as today Lauren would be introductions Y/N to her parents.

"It doesn't matter what they say babe, I love you and that won't change" Lauren knew that Y/N wouldn't leave her if something would happen tonight. The pair had been together for a little over 4 years now.

Nor Lauren or Y/N lived with their parents, they were both over the age of 21 so their parents couldn't legally stop them from dating anymore.

But as the oldest child of three Lauren felt pressured to be the perfect child, a good role model for her younger siblings.

"They will hate you" Lauren cried onto her girlfriends shoulder. Y/N was already aware of this, she used to be a player so had no experience meeting the parents of a girlfriend before.

"Do you love me?" Y/N asked lifting Lauren's chin so they were eye to eye. Lauren nodded with a sniff.

"Of course, how can you ask that?"

"I love you and you love me. I don't care what they think of me. I know their opinion means a lot to you but yes they will hate me" Y/N laughed kissing the top of Lauren's head.

"Shall we get this over with?" Y/N asked checking the time on her watch. Dinner was scheduled to start in 15 minutes.

The drive to Lauren's parents was filled with anxious silence. Lauren's hand was shaking in Y/N's, who held her hand as she drove, only letting go to shift gears.

"Breathe" Y/N commented as she parked across the street from Lauren's old home.

"I got you baby" Y/N kissed Lauren gently on the temple before jumping out of the car, rushing to the passenger side to open Lauren's door.

"Thanks" Lauren blushed as Y/N held her hand, helping her out of the car. It was something Y/N always did but it still gets to her, making her heart warm.

Once the car was locked they walked across the street holding each others hand tightly.

"No matter what, I'm not going anywhere" Y/N squeezed Lauren's hand reassuringly.

"I won't let you" Lauren smirked, holding her hand a little tighter the closer they got to the front door.

"Lauren, look at you" Her mom shouted from the doorway holding open her arms, Lauren let Y/N's hand go as she jogged the rest of the way into her mom's awaiting arms.

"Mom it hasn't been that long" Lauren laughed holding her mom tightly.

"It doesn't mean I haven't missed you"

"Hello Mrs. Jauregui" Y/N greeted, "I'm Y/N, it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

"Mom this is Y/N, my girlfriend." Lauren paused waiting for her mothers reaction.

"Likewise" She said with a nod, looking Y/N up and down.

Y/N knew she didn't look like girlfriend material. Head to toe covered in tattoos, minus her face. Wearing mostly black and a leather jacket. She didn't look like someone you wanted to bring home to meet the family.

"Is dad home?" Lauren asked walking to the front door.

"Oh your father will love this" Mrs. Jauregui muttered under the breath.

"Hey dad" Lauren greeted pulling her father into a hug as he left the kitchen, a beer in his hand.

"Hi Sweetie" Y/N watched from a distance, with her hands in her pockets as Lauren hugged her dad.

"This is Y/N, my girlfriend" Lauren pulled away from her dad to gesture to Y/N. His face went stoney as he stared the tattooed girl down.

"Lauren you can't be serious?" Mr. Jauregui seemed annoyed, "Her?"

There was a large pause as Lauren seemed shocked at her fathers response.

"Who's hungry?" Mrs. Jauregui asked unaware of the tension in the room.


Dinner was awkward to say the least, filled with nothing but tension and a deafening silence.

"So Y/N," Mr. Jauregui said her name with disgust, "Have you been in trouble with the law?"

"Dad!" "Mike" Was heard around the table.

"Yes sir I have-" Y/N was cut off by utensils slamming on the table.

"I knew it! I don't want you seeing my daughter-" Y/N interrupted Mike's rant with a calm tone.

"In my defence, it was only 2 months in juvie and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Y/N lent back in her chair, Lauren's hand on her thigh.

"What happened?" Asked Mrs. Jauregui.

"This one police officer had it out for me as I had slept with both his daughters and not called them back." Y/N felt comfortable saying this in front of Lauren, as she knew everything from the beginning. She could heard Mike saying something but ignored him.

"I was sat in the bed of a friends truck smoking a cigarette when a fight broke out on the other end of the parking lot. One of the arresting officers was the girls father and he arrested me because my friend had an ounce of weed on them. It was my third strike after some minor offences in my younger days" Y/N held Lauren's hand under the table, she didn't mention that it was Lauren with the weed.

"Drugs!?" Mike screamed standing from the table, his chair screeching on the floor.

"That's it, get out of my house" Mike rounded the table and grabbed Y/N by the scruff of her shirt pulling her up from her chair.

"Dad leave her alone" Lauren shouted rushing to Y/N's side, hitting her dad in the chest as he dragged her girlfriend to the front door.

Lauren was crying as she screamed at her father hitting him, it broke Y/N's heart to see her like this. Y/N ripped herself from Mike's strong grip, pulling Lauren into your arms to calm her down and to stop her hitting her father.

"It'll be okay" Y/N whispered into Lauren's ear. Lauren turns to face Y/N tears streaming down her face.

"I love you" Y/N smiles and kisses the top of Lauren's head.

"Lauren get off of her" Mike yelled reaching for Lauren's shoulder, without thinking Y/N swiftly moved Lauren behind her out of harms way.

"What?! Do you seriously think I'd harm my child? Get out of my house" Mike yelled once more advancing on Y/N into her personal space.

"Take your shit and leave" He threw Y/N her leather jacket that was hung on the back of her chair.

Lauren is silent as she watches you put on your jacket, Mike was watching you with a glare and Mrs. Jauregui was still quiet sat at the dining table alone.

Once Y/N had slipped on her jacket she lifted Lauren up and over her shoulder walking causally to the front door. Lauren squealed in surprise, she giggled as she bounced on Y/N's shoulder, walking out to the car.

"Put my daughter down this instant" Mike shouts from the front porch.

"You said to take my things, this here is mine" Y/N said slapping Lauren's backside as she dangled over Y/N's shoulder.

"So fuck you" Y/N gave Lauren's dad the finger as she placed Lauren down in the passenger seat before rounding the car to the drivers side.

"That went well" Y/N chuckled as she sped off towards their apartment. Lauren stayed silent cuddling into Y/N's arm as she drove. 

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