Welcome Pie

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"Hey Y/N, was that the last one?" Dinah asked her best friend as she and Y/N placed the last box down on the bare hardwood floor of Y/N's new apartment.

"It was, thank you DJ" Y/N pulled her best friend into a sweaty hug. Dinah laughed and pushed her friend away.

"Gross dude, we're both drenched." Normani entered at that second and smirked.

"Me too" She said in a sexy voice as she jumped into Dinah's awaiting arms.

"My girl is so strong" Normani kissed her girlfriends jaw as Y/N turned her back on the couple in mock disgust.

"Eww, don't need to see that" Y/N groaned as she heard the couple kissing.

"Guys, I love you but please don't christen my new apartment"

"Why not? You won't, you didn't the last place" Dinah smirked setting her girlfriend back down on her own two feet.

Y/N turned around with her arms crossed pouting at her best friend and laughing girlfriend.

"Sorry Y/N" Dinah opened her arms for a hug but Y/N shook her head with a frown.

"You know I didn't mean it. Lunch on me, before we unpack?" Dinah asked an arm wrapped around her girl.

"I'd love to but I have to go to dance practice" Normani frowned.

"That's okay, I will order something later. I want to try and get this mess sorted first" Y/N gestured around at the array of boxes around the three of them.

"Y/N" Dinah sighed. Y/N shook her head.

"DJ, I promise it's not you. Come by tomorrow and we'll have lunch then" Y/N smiled at her oldest friend.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. I should drive this one" Dinah said with a grin tilting her head towards her girlfriend.


It had been 4 hours since Dinah left and Y/N hadn't managed to unpack that much. It was hard when she didn't have the furniture she needed.

A wardrobe, drawers, a bed, a couch or any storage minus the cabinets in the kitchen.

But she did manage to move the boxes into their desired rooms.

She sighed as she looked around her living space; there were still a handful of boxes left littered the hardwood floor beneath her feet. She found one of the boxes labelled 'Kitchen' and began to unpack, seeing as it was getting late and she was hungry.

Even if she had already decided on ordering a pizza she still needed plates and she had no idea what box they were in. So why not unpack them all?

Sat on the floor in the front of your kitchen cabinets surrounded by pots and pans is not a god time for the doorbell to ring. Y/N thought to herself as she scrambled to get up with the small amount of space she had.

"Oh, hello" Y/N greeted in surprise expecting Dinah to be on the other side of the door; even though she wasn't expecting her. She hadn't put in her order for her pizza yet.

"Hi, I'm Lauren. I live down the hall with my roommate Ally; she's at work right now. Anyway, I just wanted to say welcome to the building." The bubbly raven haired girl smiled presenting Y/N with a tinfoil covered ceramic dish.

"Hey Lauren, my name is Y/N. Please come in and excuse the mess" Y/N opened the door wider to let the girl inside her new apartment.

"They look so big without furniture don't they?" Lauren commented as she looked around the empty lot.

"Yes, and until I have some I'll enjoy the space" Y/N laughed as she moved towards the kitchen area.

"Oh your pie" Lauren giggled thrusting the pie dish into Y/N's arms as she continued to look around.

"I love the large windows, don't you?" Lauren said admiring the two large windows that over looked the city.

"I do, I fear it will be my muse for the next weeks" Y/N admitted with a small sigh. Once she had a muse to help with her drawing or painting she wouldn't stop making art from it.

"You paint?" Lauren asked turned away from the view to see Y/N peaking under the tinfoil at the pie.

"It's apple" Lauren smiled.

"Oh my favourite and yes I do paint" Y/N returned the smile and moved towards the fridge.

"Would you like something to drink? I only have bottled water I'm afraid" Y/N frowned slightly feeling like a bad hostess.

"No, thank you. I should get going and leave you to all this" Lauren laughed gesturing to the chaos around the pair.

"Thanks" Y/N rolled her eyes and walked Lauren out.

"Maybe when I'm all moved in you and your roommate would like to come over? It would be nice to have some friends in the building" Y/N suggested leaning on the door frame as Lauren crossed over the threshold out of the apartment.

"Here's my number, text me sometime" Lauren smiled handing over a small cream colour card from her back pocket.

"Well Ms. Jauregui, I look forward to seeing you again" Y/N spoke her name perfectly making Lauren's mouth open wide. Lauren's face felt warm as her stomach tingled.

"Until then Y/N" Lauren spoke her name with a whisper before disappearing down the hall to her apartment.

Both girls unbeknown to each other sighed as she leant against their doors thinking of the other.

A/N: Just a quick little something as an apology for the fact that I will be MIA for the next 2 weeks (Maybe shorter) 

My personal life is jammed packed right now so I have no time to write *cries*

Oh and 50 Parts?!?! Awesome!

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