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Lauren was sat at her desk waiting for her last students of the day to come inside; she still had 5 minutes left. She stared at the opened door before pulling out her phone.

Lauren: I don't want to say goodbye to them :'(

"Afternoon Ms. J" Chorused a large group of kids as they walked through the door.

"Hey kids" Lauren greeted standing up from her desk and stood in the middle of the room, a stack of paper in her hand.

The paper had nothing to do with the class but she was nervous and needed something to occupy her hands.

"Come in, find a seat" Lauren called to the kids littering the hallway talking amongst themselves.

"Not you Steven. You aren't in my class" Lauren chuckled and pointed towards the door.

"But you're so cool Miss" Lauren cocked an eyebrow.

"Fine, I'm going" He grumbled and shuffled his feet towards the door. Lauren laughed along with the class and closed the door.

"Since today is the last day I thought we could watch a film of your choice. Or you can do something else you want, even talk in small groups amongst yourselves. And in the last five minutes I'll let you ask me 5 question that I have to answer" Lauren told her group of High School students who she was meant to be teaching Creative Writing to.

A bunch of hands shot up into the air.

"Why are you finally letting us ask you questions? We've been bugging you since last year about it." A Jock-ish boy named Craig asked from the front row.

"Today is my last day you guys" Lauren frowned. The class booed.


"Don't leave us"


"Are you dying?" Lauren chuckled at that last question.

"I'm not dying. Have you just used up two of your questions?" The class shook their hands vigorously.

"I thought you'd say that. Write me a short, 800 word minimum story and as soon as the last persons done. You can ask me as many questions as you want till the bell sounds" Lauren watched as the whole class began to move as quickly as they could, they all pulled out their notepads and pens.

"Sounds good?" She chuckled.

"You may begin" A chorus of pen clicking could be heard as she walked back to her desk.

She checked her phone that was laid by her computer and smiled at the screen.

My World: I know you don't, it'll be weird working here without you

My World: I love you, and I'll come by in the last few minutes of class. I have some paperwork to finish

Lauren: I love you too

Lauren set her phone back down and stared out at her class before checking her watch. 55 minutes till she no longer worked here.

She closed her eyes leaning back on her chair and listening to the scribbling on pen on paper.

She loved being a teacher and she loved interacting with the kids every day. Lauren hoped that she had made a small difference in these kids' lives. When she was 16-18 she wished she had a teacher like herself.

If asked Lauren would class herself as a fun but strict when need to be teacher. She'd be your best friend and your worst enemy if she had to be.


Lauren sat up straight and stared at her computer screen, another email from a teacher saying that they'd miss her.

Lauren sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she checked her watch. 20 minutes left.

"Fuck it" She mumbled.

"Stop writing guys" Lauren laughed as the whole class cheered and dramatically dropped their pens on the table. Lauren moved around to the front of her desk and sat on the edge staring at her class.

"Why are you leaving?" A student shouted from the back of the class room.

"I'm leaving because I've decided to take some time off." Lauren said vaguely.

"Will you come back?" Another voice asked.

"I'll visit for sure" Lauren smiled as that seemed to make some students happy.

"But for some of us it's our last year" A chorus of 'Yeah's followed.

"Do you really think it'd miss your graduation? I'll be there cheering the loudest for you guys" She laughed.

"We are really going to miss you Ms. J" Lauren frowned.

"I'm going to miss you guys too but-" She went to continue but got cut off.

"Since you won't be our teacher in 10 minutes will you go out with me?" The student said with a smirk checking his watch.

"As I was going to say, I'm going to miss you all too but I have to confess that I've been lying to you. I'm married" She confessed putting out a necklace from under her blouse that held her wedding ring.

Gaps were heard throughout the class room followed by squeals of the girls in the front row as they saw the diamond as she slipped her ring back onto her finger.

"Who's Mr. Jauregui?" asked Claire from the front row. Lauren opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" Lauren called with a smile, as Principle Y/L/N walked through the door.

"Afternoon" Y/N greeted the students staring at her as she closed the door.

"Just in time, principle, MRS. Jauregui was just telling us about her husband" Claire emphasised the Mrs. as she spoke.

"Oh she is?" Y/N said raising her eyebrow at Lauren.

"Do I need to be jealous?" Y/N smirked as the class gasped in shock.

"Not at all" Lauren said seductively sliding off her desk and wrapping her arms around Y/N's neck pulling her in for their first public kiss in school.

"Oh my god" Squealed all the girls in the room staring dreamily at the couple. Lauren smirked into the kiss as Y/N's got lost in the kiss and wrapped Laurens legs around her waist holding her up by her ass.

"Gross" Shouted Craig with a smirk throwing a wadded up ball of paper at them.

"Summer school Craig" Lauren moaned as Y/N began to kiss her neck. Lauren suddenly froze and jumped apart from Y/N.

Her face was red like a tomato. Y/N was smirking as she wrapped an arm around her wife's waist.

"I'm sorry you had to see that kids, but I love my wife. And I'm happy I can finally show it without the school board having an aneurism." Y/N squeezed her wife's hip as she addressed the students watching them.

The bell sounded as Lauren opened her mouth to say something; suddenly everyone shot up and moved for the door.

"Before you go, I wanted to tell you something else." Lauren said after the bell stopped. The students paused and stared at her.

"I'm pregnant, the only people who know are in this room" Lauren said with a smile as groups of her students barrelled into her for their last hug.

"Congratulations" Chorused the students before moving to leave.

Y/N and Lauren stood together in each other's arms watching the students file out of the room talking to themselves and bidding their teachers goodbye.

As the last student left Y/N kissed Laurens head and asked,


A/N: Something that came to my mind while I was waiting for my clothes to finish in the washing machine :D

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