The Ghost Writer

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Lauren was sat in her local coffee shop that was 2 blocks away from the loud studio her and the girls had previously been recording in. It was now nearly 2 in the morning. Lauren had been sat in her usual booth at the small deserted coffee shop staring at the blank notebook in front of her.

She was meant to be writing out lyrics for a song. But she had no inspiration. Normally sitting in the coffee shop helped her; she liked to watch the people and cars passing by. To imagine stories of what they were doing out so late at night, but nothing. She had no muse. She couldn't focus.

Lauren was too focused in looking out of the window that she didn't hear when Y/N called out her name. She only looked up when the smell of the hot chocolate she ordered invaded her nostrils.

Another reason Lauren came here. Y/N. Lauren was hopelessly in love with her.

Y/N knew Lauren liked to stay here late and write so she made sure to be here for her. Lauren would text if she wasn't going to make it so Y/N didn't sit around waiting for her to show up.

"Oh sorry" Lauren blushed looking up to see Y/N, her favourite barista, standing there with a steaming mug in her hand.

"It's alright; I know you're hard at work with your music" Y/N smiled placing the large white mug on the table but far away from the notebook Lauren was meant to be writing in. Y/N knew from experience that Lauren was clumsy without sleep.

"Thanks Y/N, can I get a muffin or something too? I can't concentrate with the little whale in my stomach" As if on cue Lauren's stomach let out a large growl of hunger. Y/N smirked as she watched Lauren blushed.

"I'll see what I can do" Y/N turned and walked away from the raven haired girl, leaving the latter alone with her thoughts.

Her butt looks so good in those tight jeans. I hate to see her go but love to watch her leave. Lauren smirked to herself and blushed looking back down at her notebook.

Dinah had been the one who had told Lauren about the small yet popular café close to the studio, a friend of hers owned it ... that friend was Y/N. Dinah teased Lauren endlessly about her crush on her friend.

Lauren quickly turned the page over; as if to push away her writers block and took a small sip of the hot chocolate Y/N gave her moments ago. Y/N always made the best drinks; she was always the one to make it and would start it as soon as Lauren walked in the door.

Y/N would catch Lauren's eye when she walked in and smile. Lauren would always return the smile, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering with every step she took closer to the girl she had a major crush on.

Lauren was a creature of habit; she would order the same thing every time she came in. The smile they shared meant two things; a greeting and a conformation of Lauren's order. Y/N was learning to read the mysterious green eyed girl.

Last week Lauren came into the café she greeted Y/N with her usual smile and a shake of her head as she stepped towards the counter instead of heading straight to her booth. Y/N was confused but took Lauren's order anyway. Lauren ordered 6 drinks to go and left with a bigger smile.

They hadn't physically discussed the 'code' but they both had come to understand what it meant.

"Your blueberry muffin Miss" Y/N smirked as she sat down in front of Lauren sliding a plate in front of her. She had ditched her apron and had a plate in front of her and a large mug like the one Lauren was drinking from.

"Thank you" Lauren smiled at the girl in front of her.

"You going home?" Lauren continued nibbling on the edge of her muffin, unaware of how late it was already. Y/N nodded and watched the pale girl with a smile.

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