The Ghost Writer Part 2

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A/N: Holy shit it's been a hot minute since I've updated or even written anything. Work is taking over my life right now. 

I hope you can forgive my absence <3

Lauren and Y/N both work up feeling refreshed and happy. It was the best night sleep either of them had had in a long time. Neither of the girls wanted to move from their embrace so they pretended to be asleep.

Y/N knew Lauren was awake because of the shapes she felt the raven haired girl draw on her hip where her shirt had ridden up. Lauren knew Y/N was awake by her breathing. It hitched every time she scratched the skin on her hip with her nails.

It meant a lot to each girl that they were comfortable enough with each other that they didn't jump away from their embrace when they woke up. Even if it was the first time they had shared a bed.

It was a first for Y/N to share a bed with anyone, sexual or otherwise.

"Aww look at how cute they are" Someone squealed from the foot of the bed. Lauren growled softly into Y/N's neck wrapping her arms around her stomach holding her closer to her chest as if someone would try to take her away.

"Go away" Y/N mumbled enjoying being in her little bubble with Lauren. She didn't want to be in the real world right now.

"Get up girls, we have to go to the studio today" Ally told them both softly before leaving the room, forcing Dinah and Normani out too, after they had started to snap photos of the two sleeping girls.

"Ugh studio" Lauren muttered rolling away from Y/N to lie on her back.

"Nooo" Y/N whined turning around to cuddle into Lauren's side not to lose her body heat. Lauren giggled at the childishness of Y/N as she wrapped an arm around her.

"I'm not sure if I should say anything or not, I don't want to make this weird or awkward but that was the best night's sleep I've ever had" Y/N admitted, blushing into Lauren's shoulder, causing Lauren to chuckle.

"Me too" Lauren whispered into the silence that filled the room. Y/N's head shot up to look at Lauren's face to gauge her truthfulness, which was pointless as she knew Lauren wasn't a liar.

"Want to get dinner with me tonight?" Y/N asked seriously as she sat up next to Lauren taking her hands in her own.

Lauren put on a thinking face while tilting her head. Y/N couldn't help but smile at how cute Lauren was being.

"How about we eat the leftovers from last night before we go to the studio and have a movie night tonight?" Lauren asked with a shy smile. Y/N grinned and nodded her head.

"I like the sound of that" Y/N smiled linking her fingers with Lauren's. Lauren leant forwards and rested her head on Y/N's shoulder.

"Want to shower while I prepare breakfast?" Lauren nodded and kissed Y/N's cheek before shuffling off the bed. Y/N watched Lauren skip to the shower before making the bed and going to see the rest of the girls.

"Morning" Y/N greeted shuffling through the door that joined the two rooms together.

"Hey Y/N" The three girls greeted in return with smiles.

"Did you sleep well?" Dinah asked with a smirk.

"Shut up Finah" Y/N said giving her friend the finger as she walked over to their mini fridge and took two bottles of water.

"Ally, Normani have a pleasant morning. Dinah my friend, suck a dick" Y/N said laughing as she darted back into Lauren's room before Dinah could chase her. She locked the door behind her to see a fully dressed Lauren stood at the bathroom door staring at her.

"Hey" Y/N blushed after getting caught.

"Hi" Lauren smirked watching the redness cover Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N walked over to the small kitchen area and placed the two water bottles down on the counter top before retrieving their leftover sushi from last night.

"I could eat sushi for every meal" Y/N moaned popping a crispy salmon skin maki roll into her mouth.

Lauren smirked at Y/N as she sat down opposite her unscrewing the cap from the water bottle.

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