Happy Ending

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A/N: Smut and G!P warning.

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Camila strode into Lauren's hotel room with a satisfied grin on her face. She and the girls had arranged for a masseuse to come to the hotel to help Lauren relax. The tour was making her stressed out and it showed during rehearsals. The girls only wanted what was best for their friend and fellow bandmate.

"Lo where are you?" Camila shouted as she closed Lauren's hotel room door.

"Shower" Lauren called back as she turned off the water. Camila really did have impeccable timing.

"Hurry up" Camila sung as she plopped herself down onto Lauren's bed.

"What's up?" Lauren asked as she opened the bathroom door, clad in a hotel robe with a towel around her head

"The girls and I booked you a massage. We thought it would help you relax and destress" Camila informed her as Lauren stood against the bathroom doorway.

"As lovely as it sounds to have a strangers hands on me, I have to decline." Camila pouted.

"Please Lo, I hate to say it but you're a nightmare to work with right now" Camila admitted looking away from Lauren's intense glare. Lauren frowned at Camila's admission. She knew she wasn't her best but she didn't realise how it was affecting the girls too.

"I'm sorry Camz, I had no idea. When is the masseuse coming?" Lauren sighed as she took a sit on the bed beside Camila and rested her head on her shoulder.

"She will be here in 15 minutes" Lauren nodded. I'd rather have a woman touching me than a man. The girls knew of her liking the fairer sex. Camila stood from the bed and make her way to the door.

"Thank you Camz, to the girls too" Lauren called as Camila closed the door after herself with a smile. It was easier to get Lauren to agree then she anticipated.

"My first massage will be because my bandmates hate me and can't work with me" Lauren sighed as she took the towel off her head running a hand through her wild mane.

"Might as well enjoy it while I have the opportunity" Lauren mumbled making her way back into the bathroom to get dressed and dry her hair.

Lauren had only managed to dry her hair when there was a knock at the door.

"Fuck" Lauren muttered as she took her robe off the back of the door and tied it around her body before answering the door.

Lauren stood at the door froze with her mouth open a tiny bit. On the other side of the door was a tall, lean girl dressed in a white uniform. She has lilac shoulder length hair, curled. Ocean blue eyes and a killer smile. Lauren holds on tight to the doorframe as she feels her knees turn to jelly.

"Appointment for Jauregui?" Lauren nearly faints at the sound of her angelic voice, not trusting her voice Lauren nods and opens the door wider to let her inside. She brings in a large folded table and a medium size silver briefcase.

Lauren watches as she sets up the table. The masseuse pauses and smiles at Lauren before continuing to set up in the middle of the room.

"I'm not booked for a particular massage. Just tell me what's sore and we'll work on it. I'm Victoria by the way, I probably should have started with that but I'm an idiot. You can call me Tori if you'd like" Tori states with a laugh as she places a cloth over the table.

"How you like a drink before we start?" Lauren shakes her head and unties her robe before laying stomach down on the table; she's still in shock about how gorgeous she is. Her mouth feels dry; maybe that drink would have been a good idea. Tori returns with two small glasses of water in her hand, both with straws, before smiling at Lauren.

Lauren Jauregui One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now