Taking Care of Her

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Lauren arrived home after a long day at work looking forward to cuddling and relaxing with her girlfriend of 18 months. The pair lived together in Lauren's small studio apartment in LA. It was cosy and big enough for the two of them. It luckily accommodated space for when the other 4 girls of Fifth Harmony visited.

Lauren unlocked the front door and kicked off her shoes looking around for her girlfriend. She heard and saw nothing. Lauren frowned and locked the door behind her. It was only 7pm but Lauren tiptoed through the apartment in case Y/N was sleeping and searched for the shorted raven haired girl.

"Babe?" Lauren whispered pushing open the door to their bedroom.

Lauren saw a lump under the bedsheets. She smiled to herself and sat down beside the lump stroking the part closest to her, it felt like a leg.

"Hey beautiful" Lauren smiled, she gently pulled the blanket down over Y/N's body. Y/N was laid on the bed facing away from Lauren. She turned her head at the sound of Lauren's voice. Lauren lay down beside her girlfriend and pulled her into her arms.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked as she noticed the dried tears stains on Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N remained quiet enjoying the feeling of her girlfriends' arms around her as Lauren held her girlfriend tightly and kissed the top of her head.

"Are you just having an off day again?" Lauren asked, Y/N had been feeling depressed a lot recently and her anxiety was getting worse. The hate had been getting to her more than usual. Y/N made no move to answer; she only moved to bury her face into Lauren's neck.

"Let's take a bath shall we?" Lauren proposed; it normally helped Y/N relax and focus back into the present.

Lauren sat up and held her hand out to Y/N; who ignored the offered hand and grasped onto the back of Lauren's shirt pulling her back down onto the bed. Y/N laid her head on Lauren's chest unwilling to let her leave.

"Would you like to help me run your bath?" Lauren asked stroking the hair from Y/N's face.

"Y/N" Lauren asked again when she received no reply.

"Number?" Y/N spoke for the first time as Lauren gently squeezed her hips.

For the past 3 months Y/N had been having separation anxiety from Lauren. Even when they were in their apartment together she felt like she couldn't breathe even if Lauren was in the next room. Y/N needed to be able to see or feel her at all times. So Lauren came up with the number system.

As Y/N counted to that certain number that Lauren gave her, which was Lauren's estimate in seconds of when she would return, as she got closer to said number she would relax and start to calm down knowing that Lauren would come back before she hit that certain number.

"60" Lauren whispered as her lips left Y/Ns temple. Lauren rolled Y/N off of her chest and placed her stuffed Nala into Y/N's arms.

Y/N nodded and began to count quietly to herself as Lauren quickly left the room, she enhaled Nala's scent and smelt nothing but Lauren with made her feel happier.

40.. 41.. 42.. 43.. 44

"Baby, your bath is ready" Y/N jumped at the sound of Lauren's voice whispering in her ear. She was so focused on counting that she didn't hear Lauren come back into the bedroom.

"You?" Y/N asked as Lauren held her hand leading her through to the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom.

"Yes, I'll come in with you. Don't I always?" Lauren asked kissing the end of Y/N's nose.

When Y/N was in a state of mind like this, she didn't speak a lot. If so it would be 1-4 words at a time. Lauren had been with Y/N long enough to know what she needed by a look or even her body language so with words included it was easy.

Lauren sat Y/N on the edge of the bathtub as she began to undress. Y/N held one of Lauren's hands tightly. Wanting to have skin contact at all times.

"Strong" Y/N smiled as Lauren removed her shirt revealing Y/N's favourite body part of hers, Lauren's stomach.

Once Lauren was naked she turned to see YN staring at her with glossy eyes, she wasn't present in the moment. Lauren gently shook Y/N's shoulder and began to unbutton her pajama shirt.

Within seconds Y/N had her hair in a messy bun, naked as the day she was born and inlaying in her girlfriends arms. Lauren had lifted Y/N into the warm bath water and climbed in behind her girlfriend, Lauren enjoyed the skin contact of her girlfriend.

Y/N moved to lie on her side, her cheek against Lauren's breast. Lauren encased Y/N in her arms and kissed the top of her head.

"What did you do today princess?" Lauren asked tracing patterns on Y/N's back.

"Write" Lauren nodded. She has suggested to Y/N to start writing a journal. Y/N took to it like a duck to water, sometimes they would cuddle on the couch while Y/N would write and normally Lauren would be playing her XBOX.

"Did it help?" Y/N shrugged.

"Missed" Lauren nodded and squeezed Y/N.

"I know, I missed you too baby" Y/N giggled a little when Lauren's stomach growled.

"Monster" They both said at the same time.

"Want me to cook tonight?" Y/N shook her head.


"Let's get you washed, then we can have cuddles baby" Lauren climbed out of the tub and forgoing a towel before taking the wash clothes from beside Y/N and dipped it into the bathwater.

Y/N sat up and leant forward so Lauren could wash her back.

"Good girl" Lauren praised as she kissed the tattoo on the nape of Y/N's neck.

"Can I wash your front now?" Lauren asked waiting for Y/N's response.

"Careful" Y/N mumbled not looking Lauren in the eye.

Lauren frowned and knelt down beside the bath, Y/N had never given her that answer before. Lauren offered her hand for Y/N to hold, Y/N's hands remained in her lap covering her private parts.

"Baby, why careful?" Lauren's eyes scanned over Y/N's body, she saw some fresh cuts on her thighs, she hadn't noticed at first until she saw that they were redder than the others.

"Oh baby, you know to call me" Lauren wrapped her arms around Y/N's small frame and lifted her out of the bath. Lauren wrapped a towel around Y/N leaving herself naked as she carried Y/N through to the bedroom.

"Lauren" Y/N sound clear for the first time since Lauren got home.

"Yes baby?" Lauren asked as she placed Y/N down on the bed and sat down beside her, Lauren was lightly scratching Y/N's stomach which Lauren knew she loved.

"I love you" Y/N sat up on her elbows and kissed Lauren on the lips.

When Y/N sounded like her old self, or when she kissed Lauren, Lauren knew that she was coming back to the present and started to feel a little more like herself.

"I happen to love you too" Lauren laughed and trailed her finger tips up Y/N's sides making her giggle.

A/N: I'll be honest, don't like this chapter that much. But wanted to share it with you anyway x

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