Airport Pickup

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Y/N woke up on Monday morning after the weekend full of birthday celebrations feeling pumped and ready to get back into work. Y/N wasn't meant to be working but it was scheduled last minute and Y/N jumped at the chance to work with/ for this person.

You see Y/N was a chauffeur/bodyguard. Normally she was based in LA but they needed her for a few weeks while she was in the UK.

Popstar Lauren Jauregui was beginning her tour in the UK and was arriving today. She was need protection while she was here and Lauren's management suggested Y/N as she was the best and there already so she could pick Lauren up.

Y/N had grown up in Nottingham, England with her family and moved to the US when she was 19. It had taken her 3 years to lose her accent which she was happy about; it came out sometimes when she went home for too long.

Y/N stared at herself in the floor length mirror in her old bedroom; she was dressed in black dress pants, a white button down with long sleeves and topped it with a black blazer. She remained professional from that moment forward; she had to get into her working zone as she'd been off from work for 3 months after an accident leaving her with broken ribs and a fractured wrist.

She has to wear the brace on her wrist for 2 more weeks before she has to go back to the doctor.

"Y/N coffee" Y/N heard her Mum shout from downstairs as she checked her hair in the mirror.

"Coming Mama" Y/N shouted back, straightening the collar of her shirt over the lapel of her blazer. She knew her Mum would redo it downstairs anyway.

Y/N was close with her family but she was mostly close with her mother. After the death of her husband Y/N's mother grew apart from the family and spilled into a depressive state. They had been married since they were 17. Married for 34 years.

Y/N's mother didn't know how to live without her husband; she had barely spent more than a week apart from him since their marriage and loved him deeply.

Y/N grew close to her mother during the time after his death; they became closer and depended on each other while they grieved. Y/N pushed her mother to go into therapy to help her with everything as Y/N couldn't be there 24/7 and she needed professional help with this not help from her emotional and also grieving daughter.

It took it's time but her mother grew more back into herself and was once again the life of the party as her and her husband had both been.

Y/N lightly jogged down the stairs and strode into the kitchen where her mother was holding out a cup of steaming coffee.

"Thank you" Y/N said after a large sip. Her mother smile and turned back to the stove where she was cooking breakfast for herself.

"I'll text you later, I love you" Y/N said towering over her mother as she kissed her cheek and dropped her cup into the sink.

Y/N listened to her mothers yell of 'I love you too' as she closed the front door and walk down the driveway towards her Black 2015 Mazda 6.

She hung her blazer up on the coat hanger behind her seat before climbing into the driver's seat and set her GPS to Nottingham Airport where she would be picking Lauren up.

Lauren had her first tour date in Birmingham in two days, as to give Lauren time to try and sleep off her jetlag. It was her management's idea to make her flight to an airport far away instead of to the airport in that city as the fans would know where she was getting in and would crowd her there.

This way she would just 'pop' up out of nowhere.

Y/N thought it was ridiculous, as did Lauren by the looks of the emails Y/N was Cc'd into.

The 40 minute drive to the airport didn't take too long, the traffic was flowing nicely as Y/N hummed to the radio, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. Y/N wasn't a big fan of listening to music in the car, she was more of an audio book person. At least for long car rides as she had trouble to stop reading, or even listening to a book.

Y/N parked in the pickup bay and locked the car leaning up against the door facing the arrivals terminal; her blazer on and sunglasses perched on her nose.

She texted the number that Lauren had given her during the private emails they had sent one another.

Y/N: I just arrived

Lauren: I'll be 2 minutes, see you inside

Y/N pocketed her phone and strode into the small waiting terminal. It wasn't very full and only one plane had landed in the last 30 minutes. The one Lauren was on.

Y/N leant against a pillar beside a phone booth and stared at the doors. One by one people left, in groups or alone. Families greeted them with smiles while some up walked straight out of the doors without looking up from their phone.

Y/N turned her head back to the doors as Lauren slipped through, she was wearing a large hoodie and was rolling a suitcase behind her. She had backpack on her back and a large grin on her face.

"Ms. Jauregui, I'm Y/N and welcome to the UK" Y/N said with a smile as she approached the young woman.

"It's nice to put a face to the name, but please call me Lauren." Lauren smiled shaking Y/N's out stretched hand.

"Let me take these for you" Y/N said politely already taking the suitcase from Lauren's hand.

"Please follow me, Ms. Jauregui" Y/N smiled leading the way through two double doors and out into the cold English wind.

"Oh god" Lauren gasped clutching her hoodie to her chest. Y/N smirked where Lauren couldn't see her and unlocked her car with the push of a button.

"This is horrible" Lauren cursed as she hurriedly climbed into the back of Y/N's car. Y/N was busy putting Lauren's suitcase into the trunk to hear her.

"There should be sweets and water in the middle compartment and in the door" Y/N said as she got into the driver's seat and fastened her seatbelt.

"There is an aux cord here if you'd like to listen to some music, you can entertain yourself however you like back there with a book or music I just ask that you keep your seatbelt on at all times." Y/N told Lauren pointing to the space between them.

Lauren looked perplexed as Y/N glanced in the rear view mirror.

"Do you get many people who don't want to talk during a car ride?" Lauren asked staring out of the tinted window to her left as she sat behind the passenger seat so she could see Y/N.

"Three out of five times yes, I don't mind its completely up to them what they want to do. I just feel like the silence that follows is awkward and I don't know whether I should talk and make it worse or just be quiet." Y/N rambled slightly as she focused on the road following the roundabout.

"Hmm" Lauren said as she kept staring out of the window.

"Tell me about yourself" Lauren asked as she turned away from the window.

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