Radio Host

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It was a busy morning for Y/N, who was a co-host at her local radio station, this morning. Her Co-host was sick so she'd be doing her first ever show herself. To say she was nervous would be an understatement.

But she was nervous for more than one reason. Lauren Jauregui. Her childhood best friend who she lost contact with when she moved out of Miami.

But there was no turning back now. When this song ended she would be live, taking over from the morning show until tonight when the late night crew came in.

"And that was Halsey's Bad at Love. Welcome back to 45.8 with me Y/N Y/L/N. I love Halsey, I had the pleasure of meeting her at an award show last month. She's the sweetest." Y/N sipped from the water bottle in front of her while reading over the songs they had lined up next.

"Before we get into this next song, stay tuned as we have 4 very special guests coming up. The lovely ladies of Fifth Harmony! Now enjoy a personal favourite of mine, Work from Home" Y/N hit the button to play the next song and slid off her headphones.

"Do we have an eta on the girls?" Y/N asked the group of people said behind her in their glass booth.

A woman with a clipboard smiled and nodded, "They are greeting with fans outside their hotel. So around 20 minutes" Y/N nodded and turned up the volume of the song so she could hear it and dance.

Y/N sat back down in her swivel chair and placed her headphones back on as the song came to a close.

"That was Work from Home by Fifth Harmony who will be joining me in the studio shortly" Y/N laughed when she saw a message pop up in the corner of her computer screen.

"And we have a special request from Dinah Jane and Normani from Fifth Harmony who are listening. Without further ado, we have Beyoncé and Single ladies" Y/N opened the link in the message as the song who attached which saved Y/N time.

For the next 15 minutes while the girls were driving to the radio station Y/N played any song that they wanted.

"Y/N the girls are here" Andrew said poking his head through the door before disappearing.

Y/N stayed sat at her computer screen as the girls entered the room one after another. She waved at them as she put the volume back up on her microphone.

"The lovely ladies of Fifth Harmony have just joined me in the studio, how are you girls?" Y/N smiled at the girls who were still taking their time playing their headphones on.

"Amazing, we were jamming out in the car on the way here. Thank you for that" Dinah said with a smile.

"It was my pleasure. Did you want to jam out to something else before we get into the interview?" Y/N laughed. The girls shook their heads.

"Okay, for those who are just tuning in. I am here with Fifth Harmony" Y/N paused as they all said hello.

"You can watch us live at our website in the section 'Midday with Bruce'"

"You don't look like a Bruce" Lauren laughed into her microphone.

"No, normally I am a co-host. I float between shows. But Bruce is out sick so I'm doing this alone today for the first time."

"I bet that's exciting" Ally smiled.

"It is, but nerve wrecking too" Y/N admitted, sensing eyes staring into the side of her face.

She looked over to see Lauren gazing at her. She blushed slightly wondering why Lauren would be staring at her and opened her computer to ask some fan questions.

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