A Walk in the Park

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Lauren's POV


When I woke up this morning it felt like a completely normal day, I went about my normal morning routine. I woke up, showered, made breakfast, fed my dogs, brushed my teeth, got ready and now my favourite part; walking my dogs.

Well here's a little bit about myself. My name is Elizabeth. My friends used to call me El, Libby, Izzie. Any name you can get from Elizabeth. I say used to ... I came out as gay about 4 years ago at Christmas, I'd been with my then girlfriend about 8 months. I felt it was pretty serious. On Christmas day no less, I lost my whole family, all my friends, my home and even my girlfriend. She said and I quote "I never signed up for this" whatever that means. But it doesn't matter, yeah it still hurts but I've moved on.

After living in motels and hostels for a few months; I managed to buck my ideas up and stop feeling sorry for myself. After a few weeks of trying and searching I got myself a job; in LA. I'm now a vet. I've always wanted to be a vet, ever since I was young. All the hard work paid off and I couldn't be happier. It's just me, Bear and Zoe; he's a Rottweiler and she's a German Shepard. I rescued them both from a shelter when they were only puppies. We clicked the second we met; I didn't choose them. They chose me.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Zoe pouncing at my shoes; attacking the lace that was dangling from my fingers as I tried to tie them up. I couldn't help but laugh and pet the top of her head.

I whistled to get her attention. She immediately sat up straight and stared at me. Bear soon ran into the room to see what was going on.

"Walkies" that was all it took; she soon sped off and out of the room, Bear hot on her tail. While they were gone I had a chance to finish doing my shoes and get my hoodie on top of my running clothes, doing a little check list in my head. Bags check. Treats check. Toys ..... In the car. Leash?

It's as if they were reading my mind, I looked up to see Zoe and Bear running into the room their leads dangling out of their mouths. I've taught them well, they know what's coming.

"You ready?" They barked happily and moved to sit by the front door, leads still dangling out of their mouths. Man I love my babies.

It didn't take long to get to the park. Which was surprising, but I didn't mind. And I know they both definitely didn't. Zoe was bouncing around my feet as I let her out of the car, Bear followed calmly after his sister. I got out their favourite toys, a Frisbee and a tennis ball. Zoe loved to play with the Frisbee; Bear was more old fashioned with his ball.

I rarely put them on their leads. It's mostly only when we're walking in busy places or when I take them running with me. They are very obedient; when I call for them they always come running back to me. I am very happy about that and they know they'll get a treat when they return.

"Zoe, come on girl" I say softly as I start to walk into the park. Bear was already followed at my side; he was the protector of the two.

"It's a Saturday morning and there is hardly anyone around. Looks like we got the park to ourselves, you ready to run?" I got a bark in response as I threw the Frisbee through some trees to the other side of the park. I sat down on the closest bench and watched Zoe come running back with the Frisbee dangling out of her mouth.

Bear was sat at my feet chewing on a rubber bone I had brought, some days he preferred to stick with his Mama.

"Good girl Zoe bring it here" I got a treat ready in my hand as Zoe came closer to me. She looked so happy with her ears flapping in the wind. There was a nice cool breeze in the air. Zoe barked as soon as she got to my feet. She dropped the Frisbee on my lap and put her paw on top of my hand with the treat in.

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