Single Release Party Part 2

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It had been a week since Y/N had finished recording her single, which was coming out tonight at midnight. Y/N was nervous and scared, her best friend Charlotte had arranged for them to go out and celebrate at a club that was owned by a friend of a friend.

Y/N and Charlotte arrived at a club that Y/N had never heard of before. Y/N wasn't that much of a party goer or drinker so she ordered a coke as soon as they had arrived.

"I'm going to find Steve" Charlotte yelled over the loud music to Y/N who was stood beside her.

"I'll be in the booth" Y/N nodded behind her to the booth that Charlotte had reserved them for the night, and for a few friends who would hopefully arrive soon.

"I should be excited for my single to be out, but I'm not" Y/N mumbled to herself as she slipped off her leather jacket placing it down on the seat next to her. She took a sip of her coke through the large black straw that was bobbing up and down in the glass.

As she drank her drink, she looked around the club at all of the people enjoying themselves and having a good time. Y/N was nothing like these people, she didn't belong here. She was more of a homebody, an introvert.

"I guess I have to get used to this" Y/N spoke to herself, as she thought about her future in the music industry.

She'd have to learn to be outgoing and fun at parties. To be everything that she isn't.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is a big night for one of you out there." The DJ screamed into his microphone making Y/N look at him. Dread filled her body as Charlotte was stood beside him.

"Oh Char, don't you dare" Y/N cursed out her best friend who was smiling at her from the DJ platform.

"We won't bring you up on stage, Y/N!" He screamed again as a large spot light blinded Y/N, she waved awkwardly at the faces that were staring at her.

"In 5 minutes this girl's first single is being released. Who wants to hear it?" Y/N expected to see a tumbleweed blow across the dance floor but everyone cheered which surprised her.

Y/N grinned to her best friend before flipping her off; unaware of the green eyes burning a hole in the side of her face from across the room by the bar.

"God she's beautiful" Lauren whispered under her breath, as she sipped her drink. She was alone at the bar as her friends had ditched her to go dancing on the tightly packed dance floor.

Lauren sat in her seat watching the girl from across the room as she listened to the song blasting from the speakers surrounding her.

"Roll the dice, double two, no more us, no me and you
What a struggle, I took a risk, another life, another kiss
I start again, it keeps going, we're best friends, not even knowing
I win the race, and then I fall, I gave it up, to have it all

We let go of love so we can go again
We don't hesitate to let somebody in
To build a home just to get lost
We fire it up just to burn it off

I don't wanna, hold hands with a stranger.
I don't wanna walk when I just learned how to run.
I don't wanna care, 'cause it's human nature
I don't wanna go go go go back to square one.

Said she don't don't wanna go back to square one
I just wanna be the one.

In the dark, it's brand new
You're teaching me, I'm teaching you
Imagination, I wanna please
But I'm tired of the tease
Give you substance, I need soul
Not just a moment to come and go
It's not simple, it never is
Another life, another kiss

We let go of love so we can go again
We don't hesitate to let somebody in
To build a home just to get lost
We fire it up just to burn it off

I don't wanna, hold hands with a stranger
I don't wanna walk when I just learnt how to run
I don't wanna care, 'cause it's human nature
I don't wanna go go go go back to square one

She says she don't wanna go go back to square one, she just wanna find the one someone that she needs, she needs, she needs.
Everybody sing she don't wanna go go back to square one, she just wanna find the one someone that she needs, she needs, she needs.

I don't wanna, hold hands with a stranger.
I don't wanna walk when I just learnt how to run.
I don't wanna care, cause it's human nature
I don't wanna go go go go

I don't wanna, hold hands with a stranger.
I don't wanna walk when I just learnt how to run.
I don't wanna care, cause it's human nature
I don't wanna go go go go back to square one

She says she don't wanna go go back to square one
She just wanna find the one
Someone that she needs, she needs, she needs"

Lauren couldn't believe how good this song was, she couldn't keep the smile off her face as she watched the girl sat in the booth singing along to her own song quietly while sipping her drink.

Dinah and Normani seemed to love it as she saw them grinding on the dancefloor, then again they grind on each other to anything.

Lauren was happy for the couple but often felt jealous, she wished she had someone to cuddle with at night time when she felt the loneliest.

Without overthinking it, Lauren left her space at the bar and made her way over to the girl she had been staring at for the past 10 minutes.

Lauren was only half way across the dancefloor when a group of people joined the girl and began hugging her and laughing. She looked uncomfortable but kept a fake smile upon her face. Lauren knew the face well; it was one she often wore at parties.

"Oh fuck" Lauren heard from in front of her as she saw Y/N wiping down the crotch of her jeans. Someone had accidently knocked the table and spilt her drink on her.

Lauren hid in the shadows feeling like a stalker as Y/N walked passed and headed towards the bathroom. She waited for 10 seconds before following Y/N into the bathroom.

Y/N was stood at the hand dryer thrusting into the air as it kept turning off.

"Need some help there?" Lauren managed to say before laughing as Y/N turned around with wide eyes.

"Errrr..." Y/N blanked as she stared at the woman in front of her.

"You're .." She tried again.

"I'm a big fan, I loved your song" Lauren smiled as she hopped up and sat on the space next to the sink basin.

"What? Seriously?" Y/N asked gob smacked, now realizing how awkward this situation was as she held her hands over the wet patch on her crotch.

"Can we continue this conversation after I change? I have spare clothes in my car" Lauren opened her mouth to reply when her two drunk friends came crashing through the bathroom door.

They were in a heavy, heated make out session. Lauren groaned in annoyance.

"Girls, let's get you home before you appear in the tabloids" Lauren laughed as she pulled her friends off of each other.

"Maybe we can continue this another time" Lauren said with a smile as she handed Y/N her phone.

"I'd like that, do you need a ride?" Y/N asked as she quickly inputted her number into the girl's phone.

"I can drive; I haven't had a drink tonight." Y/N smiled and handed Lauren her phone back leaving their hands connected for longer than they should have.

"See you around superstar" Lauren winked as she pushed her friends out of the bathroom door.

A/N: Well fuck me and call me Sally.

It's been a hot minute since I've posted. I've been busy with work and haven't had time to write.

Hope you enjoyed it, let me know if there is anything you want to see next 


You can Follow my boring ass on twitter: @WritingWIP if you'd like to :P


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