Secret Admirer

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Y/N's POV:

I dreaded every morning that I had to go into school. High school was the bane of my existence. The best part of the day? I can't even say going home, home life isn't that great either. I guess the little glimpses of Lauren Jauregui in my day would have to be the best parts. I have a huge crush on her.

I winced when someone shoved me against my locker.

"Nerd" I heard followed by laughter, I shook the weak insult from my mind and tried to remember my locker code.

"2507. Did you forget your own birthday?" I heard from beside me, I turned to see Lauren leant against her locker which was next to mine.

"Thanks" I mumbled when I finally managed to get my locker open, my ribs throbbed with every movement of my arms.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Lauren asked me looking concerned; I nodded not daring to look at her. I knew I would break if I looked into those eyes.

"Yup, see you around"

I didn't see her around; we didn't have any classes together today. It made me sad, but I know we have English tomorrow.

(**The next day**)

I tried to make myself as invisible as possible this morning when I walked into school; I walked with my head down, hood up and sunglasses on. I didn't want anyone to notice me or my huge black eye.

When I stopped in front of my locker I was partly glad that Lauren wasn't there.

Something caught my eye when I wrenched my locker open, a green post-it note stuck to my English text book. I didn't recognise the handwriting.

'I don't like to see you not happy.

You deserve the world; you are kind, smart and beautiful.

I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to'

Underneath was a phone number I didn't recognise, but she saved it into her phone anyway.

I unstuck the note from my English book and re-stuck it to the bottom of my locker where the English book had been sat. I read over it once more and wanted to smile.

I wanted to believe what the note said, but I knew it was a joke. They just wanted to get to know her so they could tell everyone how she cut herself, how her father got drunk every night, how her mother watched on doing nothing as he beat and touched her body inappropriately.

Y/N slammed her locker shut and marched her way to English where she would hopefully see Lauren.

"Hood down, sunglasses off Ms. Y/L/N" Mrs. Cole said as Y/N was the first in class.

"Ms." Y/N whispered as she removed her sunglasses. Her teacher gasped and frowned.

"Did you need to see the principle?" Y/N shook her head.

"You can keep them on, but hood down Y/N. Take a seat at the back" Y/N nodded and sat in the back row, two rows behind her normal seat.

Y/N focused herself staring at the cover of her textbook as students filed into the room; she felt their eyes on her. They whispered as they found their seats.

"Nice to see you on time today Ms. Jauregui" Mrs. Cole commented making me look up. Sure enough there she was.

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